Fatal Pictures Film’s Zach Green Interview (2016)

A relative newcomer to the filmmaking life, Zach Green and his production company Fatal Pictures have only been creating movies since 2007, but he has already made a name for himself in indie horror circles. As the driving force behind extreme horror shorts Familiar (2012), Heir (2015), Consumption (2008) and Worm (2010), Zach knows what he wants in a horror movie and surrounds himself with the people who can make it happen. The producer teamed up with director Richard Powell to build Fatal Pictures from the ground up. Together they found actor Robert Nolan to make three of the four shorts so far attributed to Fatal Pictures, and if these films say anything about his future, then you can guarantee that you’ll be seeing the name Zach Green right alongside Eli Roth and James Wan in the very near future.

Recently, PopHorror sat down with Zach and talked to him about his production company, his love for horror and what he has coming down the horror pipe.



PopHorror: Thanks so much for talking to us! First of all, let me stat with this: what is the name of your company and what kinds of things are they involved in?

Zach Green: The name of my company is entitled Fatal Pictures. I am one half of the company alongside of writer/director Richard Powell. Together, we are the Canadian Independent Film Production Company Fatal Pictures. The company is involved in film production: writing, directing and producing original, thought provoking film. Our last three pictures have been psychological thrillers, whereas our first film, entitled Consumption, was loosely based on true events about a cannibal. Right now in time we are focused mainly on creating the most original and thought provoking genre film(s).

PopHorrorYou seem to pick films with a horrifying flair. Are you a fan of the genre? If so, what are your favorite horror movies?

Zach Green: I couldn’t agree more. The films I’m producing have all been pretty horrifying, more so than your typical bloody slasher films. You really need to watch every frame and pay attention; they have many layers and clues can be easily missed. These are potentially real characters that Richard creates that are in our everyday lives, which to most is more terrifying. They are psychological thrillers, which to me, I absolutely love.

PopHorror: I’ve recently seen several of the shorts you produced with Richard Powell with actor Robert Nolan. How did you all meet?

Zach Green: Richard and I met in film school back in 2002. Long story short, I applied to be an editor on Richard’s film, not knowing who he was at the time. We would go on to graduate and work together ever since. We’ve produced a few films after film school; I like to think of that as extended film school. And then in 2007, we started our production company and produced Consumption the following year in 2008.

When I was looking to cast our next film, which was entitled Worm, I was speaking with many actors I had previously worked with, letting them all know about my next film and what the role’s entailed, etc. An actress was telling me she had someone in mind and would let him know. Turns out that person was Robert Nolan. As soon as we connected, we set up a time and place he could come audition. And the rest is history.


PopHorror:Can you tell me a little bit more about each of the four shorts you’ve produced so far? What were they about and how were they connected, if at all?

Zach Green: Our first short film, entitled Consumption, was loosely based on true events that took place in Germany about a cannibal. The story was about a man placing an ad online on a cannibal blog looking for someone to be slaughtered and then consumed. Another man inquired. This initially took place in 2001.

Our next film was Worm (2010), which is about a teacher on the edge of madness as we follow him for a day in his mind. Familiar (2012) is about a father who is haunted by a familiar voice… or is he? And then we have Heir (2015), about a father twisted by a dark passion, which is currently still on the festival circuit. None of the four films are connected and are all stand-alone stories that can be appreciated by themselves. Although Richard has made a direct correlation between Worm, Familiar and Heir – they all have a box cutter used in the films to a degree. Richard has deemed the three films together on one disc The Box Cutter Trilogy, all of whom all star the brilliant Robert Nolan.

PopHorror: What was your personal favorite film you’ve worked on so far?

Zach Green: Of course, I’ve absolutely loved working on all of our films. Each one brought different things to the table. But I will say I did enjoy Heir the most, for a number of reasons: 1) Working with such a crazy and taboo subject matter, we really had no idea how the film world was going to respond to the movie and really what kind of reaction it was going to get along, with how to properly market the film. It was tricky and sometimes tough. 2) Working with an Emmy winning Actor Bill Oberst Jr. That was another phenomenal opportunity the film brought. 3) And lastly, working with two other great filmmakers in their own right as our co producers: Marc Roussel and Ron Basch.

PopHorror: How has Heir been received thus far? How are people reacting and/or feeling about such a taboo film?

Zach Green: I am very glad to say the critics and festival programmers have been fabulous when it comes to Heir. Of course, you’re never going to play all of the festivals you’d like to and get every critic on board with your film. There are many levels to the film. It’s a very deep and dark and the fact it all revolves around pedophilia, an extreme taboo. I’m proud to announce the film has played over 25 festivals internationally, won five awards and counting and has just over 100 reviews and counting. So I’m very glad to say the film is getting some great buzz and respect.

I’m going to be announcing another international premiere of Heir in the coming weeks, stay tuned to Fatal Pictures on Twitter @FatalPictures for the festival and dates. I don’t want to spoil anything for those who haven’t seen the film yet, so I won’t go too far into the film. But what I can tell you is, after the festival circuit, the film will be rolling out onto digital platforms such as iTunes and the Google Play store, along with Familiar, which is currently on iTunes.

PopHorror: Do you have anything you’re working on now that you can talk about?

Zach Green: There are a few things I am working on at the moment, but I don’t want too disclose to much information. But what I can tell you is to follow us on Twitter @FatalPictures as we will be releasing that news in the upcoming weeks!


PopHorror: If you could be involved in the filming of any storyline (horror or otherwise), what would it be and why?

Zach Green: Honestly, I wouldn’t stop creating new, incredible, thought-provoking films and storylines with Richard for the world, rather than attach myself to something that has already been created or continue a franchise or whatever it may be. Then have people you ask that question to in the future say, “Fatal Pictures Films.”

PopHorror: What scares you?

Zach Green: Going bankrupt.

PopHorror: Is there anything else you’d like to say that we haven’t covered?

Zach Green: I would just like to thank you very much for taking the time to ask me these wonderful questions and have your readers get more insight into the Canadian film production company Fatal Pictures. Please make sure to check us out at www.fatalpictures.com and to please follow us on Twitter @FatalPictures and Instagram @FatalPictures

PopHorror: We’re happy that you took the time to talk to us as well! Thanks again for talking with us at PopHorror!

About Tracy Allen

As the co-owner and Editor-in-Chief of PopHorror.com, Tracy has learned a lot about independent horror films and the people who love them. Now an approved critic for Rotten Tomatoes, she hopes the masses will follow her reviews back to PopHorror and learn more about the creativity and uniqueness of indie horror movies.

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