Resident Evil 3
Image courtesy of Capcom

Everything We Know About ‘Resident Evil 3’… So Far

When the very first trailer for the Resident Evil 3 remake released, I was skeptical. I may be one of the biggest Resident Evil fans you know, and I am all for character remodeling. However, the refurbishing of Nemesis wasn’t something that I was behind. There’s been another recent trailer release, and we’ve seen some more of the titular tyrant and some more gameplay. This is everything that we know so far and some of my strong opinions thrown in there for good measure.

Pre-order Resident Evil 3 right here!

First, before we get to the goods, I need to talk about Nemesis… again. During the first trailer, Nemesis is suspiciously hidden. After a picture of him was released, I had suspected that it was to give Capcom the option of redesigning him after we finally got a look at him. It wasn’t the sideways nose or the inclusion of ears that bothered me but his horrific teeth. I HATE his new teeth design with a passion. I feel as if the nose is supposed to show the human that Nemesis was before the mutation set in, and that’s fine. Weird, but fine. I’m also moderately okay with the fact that there is no staple holding his head skin together. But those teeth are the true atrocity.

After watching the new trailer, I do have to admit that Nemesis will be an overall better AI than Mr. X. He will be strong and smart. He’ll be able to run and talk, and he has a couple of massive fucking boom boom machines on his back to hand you your own ass. But that’s why I love him. When he growled, “Staaaaaaarrssss,” I was all “Yaaaas, Queen!” His higher intelligence and his ability to book it straight at you makes me wonder how many safe areas there will actually be in the Resident Evil 3 remake. Of course I anticipate a safe room here and there, but will you ever be truly secure?

We know we will get to play as the handsome Carlos Oliveira, but now we know that we will also get to see Brad Vickers’ story expanded, although that may be more fan service than actual plotline. Capcom has also confirmed that the Grave Digger will be back as an actual boss and not a crap QTE, like the sewer alligator in the Resident Evil 2 remake. I look forward to seeing the boss fight in all its splendor.

Resident Evil 3 is set to be less survival horror like RE2 and be more action packed, which I am curious about. One of the biggest compliments that people gave to RE7 and RE2 was its return to the slower and scarier horror genre from where it started. Now, I have never been one of those people that hated on the direction that the franchise went. I loved RE5, and even RE6 won me over, so I am happy about the horror changes. That being said, I’m not that upset about an increase in action. As long as those elements and the horror aspects find a balance, I think it can work.

We also know that Jill’s original Resident Evil 3 outfit will be available as a pre-order bonus. Her new character model includes a new and more realistic wardrobe, but if you want to tube top around town, you have that option. Carlos can also sport his OG U.B.C.S. gear with said bonus. I also hope that Resident Evil 3 will include the character model from the original just like RE2 did.

In place of Mercenaries, Resident Evil Resistance will be the online multi-player mode for this installment. This asymmetrical offering will see one mastermind throwing monsters and mayhem in the way of 4 survivors that may play a bigger part in future installments. Resistance is set to be canon, so it’s definitely worth playing to see what they are planning.

One thing I noticed in the newest trailer was the inclusion of Hunters. Hunters are one of my favorite monsters from the first game, and, with the omission of several monsters from RE2, I am happy to see them make an appearance. There have been whispers and squeaks that crows may make their appearance in Resident Evil 3 to drive us crazy and peck out our eyes, but that hasn’t been confirmed.

Something that is different from the original is the absence of the ability to choose the direction of the game. Whenever Nemesis appears, Jill had two options of action, but in the remake, those options are taken away and the story becomes linear. I’m not really sad at all about that change, because I go into panic mode during quick game decision making. I don’t need that kind of stress.

Pre-order Resident Evil 3 right here!

Resident Evil 2 and 3 are intricately linked as they occur at the same time, which is why Resident Evil 3 wasn’t meant to be a standalone game, but a branch from the RE2 tree before Code Veronica instead. Even though they are connected in story, the games have never SEEMED connected, but the remake sets to change that. I am hoping it also means that we will see evidence of Leon and Claire in the RPD building or the like, but we won’t know until Resident Evil 3 gets released on April 3, 2020 on PS4 and Xbox One. Some of the information on the new game was courtesy of a video by What Culture Gaming, which you can watch HERE. I am so excited about what Resident Evil 3 is going to be like, and hopefully, Capcom isn’t just calling it in based on the popularity of RE2. And for fuck’s sake, get Nemesis to an orthodontist!

About Dev Crowley

D.D. Crowley has been writing since she could scrawl misspelled words on paper to make a story. Thankfully her writing has improved. An avid horror, paranormal, sci-fi and video game lover, she gets to write about all her favorite nerdy fandoms. Some of her favorites are found footage movies, the original 'Halloween' and 'Resident Evil' (the games not the movies, don't ever ask her about the movies... you have been warned).

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