Coming Soon to Digital, DVD and VOD: Derek Presley’s ‘Whitetail’ (2021)

Coming soon to Digital, DVD, and VOD is a new gothic thriller from director Derek Presley (Ouija 3: The Charlie Charlie Challenge) called Whitetail. The film stars Jason Douglas (Cruel Summer TV series), Billy Blair (3 From Hell), Hellraiser: Judgement’s Paul T. Taylor {read our interview with him here), and Jason Coviello (The Manson Brothers Midnight Zombie Massacre). It will be available on October 19, 2021.


WHITETAIL follows the broken family of Donnie Mann, his father and uncle as they embark on a weekend hunting trip. Donnie’s mother has recently died of an overdose and the trio hope to get away to spend some time in nature and clear their heads. Instead, they find a mysterious man shot in the stomach and clutching onto a backpack full of money. A southern gothic thriller with flaring tempers and warped relationships, the story takes place over one day and one night in the brush land of West Texas.

Check out the trailer below:

About Christine Burnham

When not writing, Christine Burnham is watching TV, Horror films, reading, cooking, and spending time with her menagerie of animals.

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