Matt Dickstein’s ‘The Haunting of Grady Farm’ – Chicago Horror Film Festival 2020 Movie Review

When I discovered I was going to finally see The Haunting of Grady Farm at the Chicago Horror Film Festival 2020, I was ecstatic. I’ve been following and supporting this film ever since it was called The Sluagh and let’s just say I wasn’t disappointed with the outcome.

The Haunting of Grady Farm

This found-footage horror film was directed by Matt Dickstein with a cast starring Ben Kaplan (, Blind), Malia Miglino (The Lurking Man, Nightlife), Josh Server (All That, Good Burger), Alex Owens-Sarno (Titanic, Carma), Justin Miles (The Crazies, The Walking Dead), and Lauren O’Quinn (House of Cards, Bloodline).

Synopsis for The Haunting of Grady Farm

Emily Wolf is the host of a travel show documenting supposed haunted locations around the country. The destination of her next episode happens to be in rural Florida, where her and her cinematographer’s old college friends live. They decide to film at an old abandoned farm, but they quickly learn what’s haunting this land is more than folklore.

There’re very few found-footage films that I enjoy but when they work, they work well and create something hauntingly fantastic much like the iconic found footage horror feature, The Blair Witch Project. If you love that film, then you will most likely enjoy The Haunting of Grady Farm. One of the reasons The Blair Witch was so popular was because of its marketing scheme that had everyone believing it was real. The Haunting of Grady Farm didn’t have that, but it delivered what The Blair Witch did plus some. It was a fantastically creepy story with great performances and an overall nightmarish atmosphere.

All of the performances were exceptional. They delivered emotionally frightening and brutally raw performances that left you feeling like this was real and that they were in danger. My favorite characters and performances were from Ben Kaplan and Malia Miglino, who had great chemistry together and really delivered their A-game.

The film was shot beautifully and there’s a sense of dread and fear throughout the films runtime. Some scenes left a hauntingly lasting impression and The Haunting of Grady Farm definitely stands out from others films with similar stories and settings. Oh… and what an ending!

Final Thoughts

The Haunting of Grady Farm will be available November 3 for purchase and rent on VOD from High Octane Pictures. Make sure to check it out if you love found footage films and nightmare fueled dreams!

About Tori Danielle

Tori has had a passion for Horror and music ever since she was a little girl. She got bit by the writing bug in high school where she was involved in both the school newspaper and the yearbook. While getting her Bachelors degree, she took Journalism and Creative Writing classes where her passion grew even stronger. Now, in between work and family, she spends all of her spare time indulging in music, Horror movies, and nerdy fandoms, all while running/assisting one of the biggest Horror groups on Facebook and writing for various websites.

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