WiHM 2018 – Interview with Jamie Satterfield, Owner of Creeper Crate!

As a fan of all things horror, I’m always looking into different things that are horror related. As I was creeping around the webs of the internet, I discovered Creeper Crate, a horror-inspired monthly box geared towards women horror fans. I immediately told all my horror loving girlfriends about it. I immediately decided that I wanted to interview the creator of the Creeper Crate, Jamie Satterfield, for this year’s WiHM. Thank you, Jamie, for taking the time to discuss your kick ass product!

PopHorror: Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me! Let’s start at the beginning. Where did you get the idea for Creeper Crate?

Jamie Satterfield: I had the idea of Creeper Crate after finding that there were a large amount of geek/nerd boxes, bath and beauty boxes, and a very small amount of horror boxes. I also noticed that there wasn’t a horror box geared specifically towards women. I love horror movies and collectibles, but I also love to pamper myself if I get the chance. I figured, hey, I’m sure my fellow female horror fans do, too! So, I thought it would be rad to put together a box with collectible items, mix it with some bath and beauty items here and there, and theme each month to focus on the horror movies and characters that horror fans and I love so much!

PopHorror: Hell, yes! This female horror fan approves! So, what was your first crate?

Jamie Satterfield: The first crate was the Living Dead Undead Box, which was the February 2017 Box. It was a mixed Zombie/Vampire theme. I remember thinking there was no way anyone would scoop up the box, but someone did! So the We Belong Dead Chucky & Tiffany Box followed, and Creeper Crate has been growing ever since!

PopHorror: How cool is that? I love to hear that it keeps growing from one idea! Can you explain how you come up with the ideas for crates?

Jamie Satterfield: I constantly have so many ideas for different crates, it’s ridiculous! (laughs) I mainly choose themes based off of horror movies or characters that I really love or I know a lot of horror fans love. For things that’ll go inside the boxes, I try to put in items that are specific to that month’s theme or are a play on a specific scene or piece in the movie that box is paying tribute to.

PopHorror:  That’s awesome! So we can look forward to many many more crates! What are some of your favorite horror movies?

Jamie Satterfield: I would say I love a lot of the horror movies out there, but Scream and Carpenter’s Halloween are my absolute favorite!

PopHorror: Definitely! Those are two of mine, too. If you had to pick a favorite horror character?

Jamie Satterfield: Hmmm…. it would be a toss up between the characters in Scream – I know it’s a group! – or Michael Myers.

PopHorror: Did we just become best friends? I love the entire Scream group. So much fun in that movie! Additionally, I am a self-proclaimed Michael Myers groupie! What plans do you have for Creeper Crate in the future?

Jamie Satterfield: There’s a new subgenre for Creeper Crate, The Occult Box, which has been pretty well received and possibly another subgenre coming in the future.

Creeper Crate will also be at the Spook Show 6 in La Mirada, CA on April 7th and Midsummer Scream with Demonic Pinfestation in Long Beach, CA on July 27th & 28th, so that’s pretty awesome!

Other than that, the plan is to continue doing what I’m doing. I want to keep trying to introduce killer shops to those who grab the box and make each box the best it can be!

PopHorror: Wow! You are super busy and slaying it! Let’s wrap up with your favorite female in horror?

Jamie Satterfield: While there are many badass women in horror, I always come back to Jamie Lee Curtis. She was my first scream queen! Once I really dove into horror, I binged every horror movie she was in. She’s an icon in the genre, and I’m super stoked that she’s coming back to where it all began in Halloween!

PopHorror: Jamie Lee Curtis is mine as well! She is fantastic in all that she does, including horror and Halloween. I am eagerly awaiting the new Halloween as well! Thank you again, Jamie! Wishing you continued success!

What are you waiting for ladies? You may order a crate HERE. If you are in California area, be sure to check out the above conventions and shows that Jamie will be at and stop by to say hello! Give Creeper Crate a like on Facebook as well.

About Jennifer Bonges

I love a good scare. I have a collection of over 500 horror movies and I am an avid reader as well. I'm also a fan of other nerdoms, Star Wars, Star Trek, X-Files, Firefly and Doctor Who to name a few. I live in Illinois with my husband and cats who share my nerdoms.

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