
Poltergeist Turns 35! “They’re He-ere…”

When you imagine a haunted house, what’s the first things that come to mind? You probably think of creaky doors, broken windows and sagging porches, but in Tobe Hooper’s Poltergeist, the house the Freeling family move into is brand new. It looks like all of the houses next to it, just …

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Review – SCARE ZONE (2009)

When the cover of a movie features Discount Jason holding Discount Leatherface’s chainsaw, you just know you’re in for a good time. Welcome to Scare Zone. Bathrooms are on the left. It is year three of Scare Zone, a haunted house attraction in some town in the U.S.A. A …

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Underrated Gems: Lovely Molly (2011)

Hello, you! Yes, you. The inquisitive reader. Welcome to the first article in my series of underrated gems. Over the course of time (possibly forever), I will be bringing you articles about horror films that I truly believe critics and general audiences to have gotten wrong. That’s not to say …

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Review – THE HOST (2006)

Ever been perusing Netflix when you stumble across a movie and go, “I’ve heard good things about this. I think I’ll watch it another time”? You do this several times until one night, when you’re desperate for entertainment, you throw it on and hope that all those good things you’ve …

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‘Aliens’ (1986) Turns 30 This Year!

On July 18, 2016, the sci-fi classic Aliens turned 30. Thirty years old! That’s as old as “Party All The Time” by Eddie Murphy! It sounds like a big number, but despite being made nearly three decades ago, Aliens has withstood the test of time to become one of the …

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Review – SLEDGE (2013)

I’m gonna give you an example of how I shop for movies: “What’s this? Five bucks!? Ho ho ho! This must be golden! Into the basket you go!” Of course, there’s a reason they’re only five bucks: because (usually) they’re no good. I’ve yet to learn my lesson, and probably …

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Southbound (2015) – Review

Anthology films are often hit or miss. Even the greatest horror anthologies aren’t without their weaker segments. It’s difficult to maintain a level of consistency, especially in anthology films that call for different writers and directors for each segment. Is Southbound an exception to those weaker segments? Not entirely, but …

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The Visit (2015) – Review

In 2015, horror fans were gifted with some phenomenal, original horror films: Babadook, It Follows, Creep, and The Visit. Some of these were highly anticipated while others were hidden gems, but the reaction from people was roughly the same. Audiences either loved these original stories or they hated them and didn’t understand …

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You know, with a title like Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter, you’d think B-movie goodness would be boiling over in Katrina-like proportions. But, sadly, Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter just gives you a baptism of boredom. Set in modern times (2002), Jesus Christ (Phil Caracas) returns to Earth to kick some vampire …

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Review – Cooties (2015)

Growing up, kids often referred to each other as having cooties, an imaginary germ or repellent that one would catch if they touched the opposite sex. A silly innocent game of pretend. Or is it?  If you watch 2015’s Cooties, you may rethink your stance on the whole idea. I …

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