Blood And Burlesque In The Sixth Dimension With The Elfmans!

**This article is a guest submission written by Giallo Julian of Dread Central**

Yo, Blood Babes! Quick question. Are you free this weekend? Specifically, tomorrow night? Saturday, February 10th?

The correct answer is NO, because you have plans to attend Richard and Anastasia Elfman’s super special DOUBLE FEATURE event in the SIXTH DIMENSION!

I’m real grateful you’re going to be there in my stead, since the trip between the Lone Star State and Golden State is a long one, much to my absolute displeasure. I’ll live vicariously through you, as long as you don’t mind a little voluntary astral possession! For the rest of y’all just hearing about this, let me fill you in on the reasons why you should RSVP ASAP, else you might suffer from FOMO, ICYDK.

First of all, Richard and Anastasia Elfman are going to be there — what other reason do you need? Start packing!

“Come on down, folks, we’re gonna rock the fucking house! Tons of surprises, and you don’t want to miss the special themed cocktails, the ‘Queen Doris’ and the ‘Bloody Bridget’!”

Richard Elfman, Musician, Director, Extra-dimensional King

You heard him! There’re drinks, too! 

If you’re STILL on the fence, might I add there’s going to be a live preshow before the films roll? That’s right! Richard Elfman will be playing music, with Anastasia Elfman doing a (and I quote) “wild bloody burlesque” soon after, where you can see her “literally rip the heart out of an audience member!”

If that’s SOMEHOW still not enough, I didn’t even mention what features are part of the double — Forbidden Zone: Director’s Cut and Aliens, Clowns & Geeks! Two films Richard Elfman himself wrote and directed, so you just know they’re the best kind of out-there, gonzo fun cinema has to offer!

You’re sold now, right? I don’t need to keep going, do I?

Ah, some of you are tough skulls to crack, I see. Fortunately, I still have the maraschino third eye on top of this multi-dimensional cake. For the pièce de résistance, they’ll be showing a teaser trailer for Richard Elfman’s upcoming indie horror-comedy, Bloody Bridget, which stars Anastasia Elfman and features music by Danny Elfman and Ego Plum! Yes, that Danny Elfman. Who else would it be?!

“Richard and I co-produce every aspect of our live events. These are incredibly unique experiences for fans to not only enjoy the featured films with Richard in the audience, but we also create wild immersive vaudeville’esque shows that showcase and support local talent and local cinemas!”

-Anastasia Elfman, Actress, Dancer, Transcendental Queen

If you still claim you’re not convinced to catch the first flight to this event, you’re lying. The rest of you honest folk who are able to make the trip can get you tickets right here! You can keep up to date on the event by following Richard Elfman’s Facebook/Instagram and Anastasia Elfman’s Facebook/Instagram!

“One of my goals as a Monster Kid, mega horror fan and wacky horror centric creator myself is to bring live SHOCK and ENTERTAINMENT back into the cinema experience, à la William Castle. Our Elfman Live Preshow Screening Events are not to be missed!”

-Anastasia Elfman

Now that’s a goal that sends tingles up my spine!

Giallo Julian’s TwitterFacebookLetterboxd

About Tiffany Blem

Horror lover, dog mommy, book worm, EIC of PopHorror.

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