Tori Danielle

Tori has had a passion for Horror and music ever since she was a little girl. She got bit by the writing bug in high school where she was involved in both the school newspaper and the yearbook. While getting her Bachelors degree, she took Journalism and Creative Writing classes where her passion grew even stronger. Now, in between work and family, she spends all of her spare time indulging in music, Horror movies, and nerdy fandoms, all while running/assisting one of the biggest Horror groups on Facebook and writing for various websites.

14 of the Hottest Psychos in Horror

Although all movie genres provide sexy characters played by beautiful people, there’s nothing quite like a sensual, sinister grin speckled with blood spatter in a horror film. Some of the hottest psychos to grace the silver screen have us thinking that crazy is definitely the new sexy.   Everyone has …

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The 8 Best Wes Craven Movies

The legendary Wes Craven passed away last year on August 30th, 2015, leaving multiple generations of people mourning his loss and his amazing career. Craven’s first feature film was The Last House on the Left (1972), which he wrote, directed, and edited. From then on he would make some of …

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13 Spooky Kid-Friendly Horror Movies

It’s always fun sharing your love and passion for horror with people who equally feel the same way you do. When becoming a parent, one can only hope that their precious spawn will share the same love for the genre and will grow up to appreciate the excitement, mystery, and …

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Snowed In: 10 Best Winter Horror Movies

As a child, winters weren’t so bad because snow days were awesome; building snowmen, snowball fights, sledding, and hot cocoa. What’s not to love? However, as an adult, I personally despise winter, minus winter horror movies, and can’t wait until it’s over. In the last few weeks the snow has …

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Freddy Krueger’s 10 Greatest Kills

  Frederick Charles Krueger, known by the rest of the world as Freddy Krueger in the Nightmare on Elm Street series, was born in February of 1942 as the bastard son of the hundred maniacs who raped his mother. Put up for adoption, Freddy was taught the fine art of …

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7 Best Doll/Toy Horror Movies

In the new thrilling horror movie, The Boy, directed by William Brent Bell, a nanny takes on a job in a remote English village to escape her troubles and babysit a boy who turns out to be porcelain doll… and it only becomes stranger from there! Killer dolls/toys are always …

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