Let Me Go (The Right Way)

ALTER Presents: ‘Let Me Go (The Right Way)’ – Short Horror Film Review

Let Me Go (The Right Way) is the most recent short film addition to ALTER’s platform. The film has some big names attached to it, which intrigued me even more to check it out. The film was written and produced by Owen King (Stephen King’s son). It was directed by Destry Allyn Spielberg (Steven Spielberg’s daughter) and stars Hopper Penn (Sean Penn’s son).

What did I think of this film? Read on to find out more.

Let Me Go (The Right Way) Synopsis

Convinced that his life is being manipulated by an outside source, Aiden makes an appointment with the amiable Dr. Kemp. Initially, Dr. Kemp is a calming, supportive presence, whose insights into Aiden’s difficulties promise an encouragingly positive prognosis. Over multiple sessions, however, the relationship between the doctor and his patient begins to take on new, ominous shades. As Aiden’s condition fails to improve – and, in fact, worsens – he begins to question kindly Dr. Kemp’s intentions.

Check out the trailer!

My Thoughts

This film is amazing. I didn’t expect anything that happened or the way the plot unfolded with a surprising ending. The premise is simple. A young veteran, Aiden (Hopper Penn) is experiencing what seems to be a psychotic break. Sensing something is off, he seeks the help of a psychiatrist Dr. Kemp (Brian D’Arcy James). They begin to establish a patient/doctor relationship.

Dr. Kemp reassures him to go ahead and share what is troubling him. Aiden begins by saying he has an LP record of Let Me Go (The Right Way) by the Supremes. The other day he noticed the label was different. They continue the session, and Dr. Kemp continues to reassure him that he’s going to be OK. At the end, Dr. Kemp prescribes him a beer a night and a One a Day vitamin a day and tells him to come back in a week.

Aiden shows up to his next appointments in the following weeks and it seems that this break is worsening. Various events happen and now he begins to question Dr. Kemp. After that, the story takes a different turn and it was a twist I definitely didn’t anticipate. The ending is so good and worth it.

The performances are so believable and the actors really made the characters their own. The pacing is good; no lags in the story. The buildup is steady and tense and makes the end worth it. The attention to detail is outstanding and they made the story flow.


Final Thought

Let Me Go (The Right Way) is a magnificent short. Impressive talent, a compelling plot, and strong attention to detail make this story stand out and the ending is unique. An ending you won’t see coming. You can check out this film here on ALTER’s YouTube channel for free!

About Jennifer Bonges

I love a good scare. I have a collection of over 500 horror movies and I am an avid reader as well. I'm also a fan of other nerdoms, Star Wars, Star Trek, X-Files, Firefly and Doctor Who to name a few. I live in Illinois with my husband and cats who share my nerdoms.

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