[Exclusive Interview] Deranged Minds Dishes On Their Segment For ’10/31 Part 2′

Tristan Clay and Destinie Orndoff (read our previous interview with them here) started their production company, Deranged Minds Entertainment, back in 2015 when they were still teenagers. Since its conception, they’ve had multiple shorts, two successful IndieGogo campaigns, and are currently working on their second feature length film. Their most recent short, The Curse of Agatha, will be featured in the new horror anthology, 10/31 Part 2, alongside indie favorites Drew Marvick (read our interview with him here), Troy Van Buskirk, Stephen Wolfe (Dracula’s Coffin 2018), Zane Hershberger (read our interview with him here), Brett DeJager (Bonejangles 2017), John William Holt (Volumes of Blood: Horror Stories 2016), 10/31 franchise creator Rocky Gray (read our interview with him here), The Barn’s Justin M. Seaman (read our interview with him here), and Jennifer Nangle (read our interview with her here), who is reprising her role as Malvolia, the Queen of Screams.

The sequel to the wildly popular 10/31 is presently in the middle of funding, and we have been offered an exclusive look at what’s going on behind-the-scenes. Here is what Destinie and Tristan had to say about The Curse of Agatha.

PopHorror: What can you tell us about your 10/31 Part 2 segment, The Curse of Agatha?

Destinie Orndoff: The Curse of Agatha follows a group of friends that gather at a secluded cabin to party on Halloween night. To up the morale of the party, the group agrees to recite an incantation they found online that supposedly invokes a local witch legend. As the night dwindles on, unfortunately, so does their luck of survival.

PopHorror: What made you want to contribute to 10/31 Part 2?

Destinie Orndoff: We wanted to contribute because we both loved the first 10/31. We were thrilled when we were asked to be a part of the sequel. We both love Halloween, so it was super fun to write a campy, Halloween slasher!

PopHorror: Tell our readers why they should contribute to this project.

Destinie Orndoff: You should contribute to this project because Rocky Gray is a huge horror fan. He loves filmmaking, he loves special effects, he loves scoring… you name it. This is his passion. The dude is a Jack of all trades. He deserves to be recognized for his work and deserves to have the freedom to create more mayhem! Your contribution will help bring this film to ghastly new heights. Pick a perk and support horror today!

Tristan Clay: If you’re reading this and you’re tired of being sold the same generic films from Hollywood, please consider contributing or sharing this campaign. For most independent filmmakers, this is the only way we are able to get our stories told and out there. Help Rocky – and those attached, including myself – reach our goal to deliver a Halloween flick you’ll be sure to add to your annual rotation!

PopHorror: How did you come up with the idea for The Curse of Agatha?

Tristan Clay: Destinie and I had been sitting on the porch looking at a catalog of different masks done by a SPFX company. We came across this really old school witch mask, and it snowballed from there! It’s funny, because we were asked this same question by our cast on the first day of filming, which then reminded me that I own an audio clip of Destinie and I going back and forth with ideas, unfolding the entire segment. I love the creative process. You never know when or where it’s going to happen.

PopHorror: How did it feel when you had been notified that you had been selected to film a segment? What was your reaction? Did you have to audition?

Tristan Clay: I remember where I was at when I got the message from Rocky, if that says anything. It’s beyond an honor to have been chosen to give Rocky a tale for his anthology film from our Deranged Minds!

Destinie Orndoff: We were floored that we were even considered, let alone be to write a segment. We did not have to go through any audition process. We just worked closely with Rocky and kept him in the loop on all of our ideas!

PopHorror: What was your favorite part of filming?

Destinie Orndoff: Meeting the cast and crew. We really became a family in the short time that we were all together. I met a new best friend, made new film connections with the uber-talented Rocky Gray and Buddy Masters, and got to act with some super talented actor and actresses, whom I learned a ton from.

Tristan Clay: For me, it was the opportunity to be back on set and watch something of ours come to life on the monitor that was all made possible by incredibly talented individuals like Rocky Gray, Destinie Orndoff, Buddy Masters, Brittany Blanton, Diandra Lazor, Brandon Reardon, and Chad Goodwin, who gave this project their all. Thank you, guys, for everything!

PopHorror: What is your favorite scary movie?

Destinie Orndoff: A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) and The Exorcist (1974).

Tristan Clay: Halloween (1978) and Night of the Living Dead (1968).

We want to send a great big THANK YOU to both Destinie Orndoff and Tristan Clay for taking the time to talk with us, and for offering us an exclusive behind-the-scenes look. We also want to wish them good luck with The Curse of Agatha. Don’t forget to check out the crowdfunding campaign right here! Be sure to keep it tuned to PopHorror for all of your Deranged Minds Entertainment news!

About Tiffany Blem

Horror lover, dog mommy, book worm, EIC of PopHorror.

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