Tania Nanavraki’s New Sci-Fi Short Film, ‘Re-Live,’ Available Here

A new sci-fi short film, Re-live, directed by Tania Nanavraki (9023) and Sotiris Patridis (#NotAlone), is available online for free courtesy of its creators. The film stars Lamni Ioanna (Carnivore), Marianna Pouregka (Pola), and Anastasis Roilos (Bad Start).


The film takes place in a near future, in which a virtual reality service allows you to relive challenging decisions of your life and see how a different choice could affect the rest of your life. “What would happen if …?” is a question that many people have spent endless hours trying to answer. Re-Live is a caustic commentary of this well-known and established “what if” culture.

Here is a link to the film:

About Christine Burnham

When not writing, Christine Burnham is watching TV, Horror films, reading, cooking, and spending time with her menagerie of animals.

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