10 Most Memorable Father Moments In Horror Films!

Father’s Day Cake – Creepshow

In all honesty, how can you make a Father’s Day list without mentioning the most memorable Father’s Day story in horror history? The reason that this particular scene was so memorable was because it was creepy, but it was also very heartbreaking. Nathan Grantham (Lon Lormer) was a bitter old man who was killed by his own daughter on Father’s Day, after he berated her and screamed for his Father’s Day cake. Many years later, he comes back from the dead with only one thing on his mind – his cake. He finally gets his cake in the form of his granddaughter’s decapitated head.

Image result for creepshow i got my cake

About Karli Lawson

I basically grew up watching horror films and spooky things. I watched my first horror film when I was 4 years old. I've wanted to be a writer ever since I've read Stephen King books in middle school. I love writing and talking about my favorite genre. I hope to one day be successful in screenwriting and filmmaking. Everything horror, of course!

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