‘Witch Hunter: Into the Outside’ by JZ Foster – Book Review

Update: Check out the brand new book trailer for Witch Hunter: Into the Outside!

A few years ago, I stumbled across a new genre of fiction called urban fantasy. I have become quite fond of these kinds of tales and I am always looking for new authors and books in this genre. Needless to say, when I was offered to review Witch Hunter: Into the Outside by JZ Foster, I jumped at the chance. JZ Foster is an emerging urban fantasy and horror author, and Witch Hunter is his first book, which will be debuting in January 2018. Is this book a worthy addition to the urban fantasy genre? Read on to find out!

Official Blurb:

The world is lying to you. Is that news? It must be very upsetting.

Richard Fitcher found it upsetting.

He’s a witch hunter who doesn’t believe in witches, and tonight he’s taking a reporter and her cameraman on a witch hunt. He’s all ready to jazz it up with spooky noises and a gimmicky magic ritual that locates witches. People like that kind of crap, right? But there’s a problem.

It worked this time.

So now Richard is forced to call up old knowledge and power he didn’t believe to be real, challenging things that crawled out of the pit, if he has any hope of surviving the night. But this loser might actually find some value—the pit does have a tendency to shave off your uneven edges—if it doesn’t kill you.

Either way, it’s a lovely night for a witching.

About the Book:

As this is a new author to me, so I didn’t have any pre-conceived expectations for this book. With that being said, JZ Foster really nailed all the qualities I enjoy in an urban fantasy. Richard does not believe in witches, although he does make a living hunting them down. He plans for a night with news reporter Beth and her cameraman, Ted, to film and report on his latest hunt. During this evening, real yet very unplanned witchy things begin to happen, going against Richard’s planned scare tactics. Surprisingly for all involved, the scares become real. They are truly catastrophic and beyond anyone’s imagination, including Richard. People die, leaving Richard as the only suspect. How can he tell them the truth?

The main character, Richard, is a lovable loser. The supporting characters are fun and likable. The most fun supporting character is Richard’s defense attorney, Jeff Minges. I love his wit and demeanor. I also love the feel of the interrogation scenes and the unfolding of the story. Be prepared for some laughs, some action and some twists along the way. Witch Hunter: Into the Outside reminds me of a film noir within an urban fantasy.

My Final Thoughts:

Witch Hunter: Into the Outside left me wanting more. I adored the characters, the fast-paced action and the unraveling of the story. Richard is fresh blood in the urban fantasy genre and is someone we can all relate to. I look forward to more of Richard and I hope JZ Foster has some awesome adventures in store for him. Give this book a chance. It will be available on January 9, 2018. You may pre-order it here. You can also stay up to date with JZ on his Facebook page.

About the Author:

JZ Foster is an urban fantasy/horror writer originally from Ohio. He spent several years in South Korea, where he met and married his wife and together they opened an English school.

Now a first-time father, he’s moving back to the states – and his hometown roots.

He received the writing bug from his mother, NY Times bestselling author, Lori Foster.

About Jennifer Bonges

I love a good scare. I have a collection of over 500 horror movies and I am an avid reader as well. I'm also a fan of other nerdoms, Star Wars, Star Trek, X-Files, Firefly and Doctor Who to name a few. I live in Illinois with my husband and cats who share my nerdoms.

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