Top 10 Must-See Horror Movies of 2000

7). What Lies Beneath

Following a couple that experiences a haunting that is more than meets the eye, What Lies Beneath is still one of my all-time favorite ghost stories. It effectively creeped me out and pulled the rug out from under me at the end. It also did something that most films don’t.

Normally, once a film’s twist is revealed, the suspense is over. You have received everything that movie is going to give you and you can take it or leave it. What Lies Beneath uses its twist to build the suspense it had already created. There are very few films that had me on the edge of my seat and simultaneously biting my nails while covering my eyes. For those who are still under a rock, I won’t spoil it for you, but go check it out immediately. It grossed almost $300 million worldwide, and once you have seen it, you will understand why.

About Preston Holt

At 5 years old i was catapulted in to the horror genre and have had no desire to ever leave it. I'm 26 years old with a great sense of humor and a thirst for the horror industry that just will never be quenched. I have a horror review site of my own called cabinintheweb reviews and when I'm not writing about, or watching, horror films, I am spending time with my spouse and my animals.

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One comment

  1. You could also make a pretty good case for GINGER SNAPS and THE CELL…