The Simpsons: Treehouse of Horror

THE SIMPSONS ‘Treehouse Of Horror’ – Top 10 Segments

Halloween as a kid was completely different. Our feral butts ran all over town collecting droves of candy. Then after 9/11 2001, the world got turned upside down. We still count on one thing, a new Simpsons Treehouse Of Horror. If I could ever rank my favorite shows, it’s number 1, from 1989 to current times. Even with a bit of a change in direction and style. I am still fully in love with them. The best times are sitting on a nutty day in October, watching King Homer or Vampire Mr. Burns.

So let’s get started, join me for a trip through my top 10 Treehouse of Horror segments.

Bad Dream House


Things go haywire when the simpsons acquire a mansion the home turns quickly after a poltergeist ruins their fun and future.This is without a doubt my favorite segment ever.

Clown Without Pity


When Homer forgets to buy Bart a present, he finds a mysterious shop. The shop owner finds a gift in a talking Krusty the Clown doll. Little does Homer know, the doll is out to kill him. Then it becomes a halarious game of cat and mouse.

The Shining


As Homer takes a new job caretaking at a hotel, weird things happen such as Homer going crazy and trying to hack up the family. Homer slowly descends into madness and takes advice from Moe the ghostly bar tender, suggest Homer kills his family beore the ghostly figures do.

Based on The Shining, this segment would have made the movie a lot better in my opinion. Not that I don’t enjoy the movie, but I would prefer this.

A Nightmare On Evergreen Terrace


After an accident cause by hommer, The wood stove shot out fire, which lit Willie also. After none of the parents at the school meeting helped Willie warns he will attack the town children in their dreams.

I was always into the Nightmare on Elm Street.  Freddy has always been in my top 5 horror characters. I love the fact that he had one-liners before killing off a kid.

Dial Z for Zombies


After losing her cat Snowball, Lisa gets and idea to bring her back. With Barts help, they find a ressurection spell.  Little do they know that repeating the words in the book raises the dead. Now its up to them to find a way to put them back in their graves.

Easily one of my favorites. I love zombies, and when they are based on comedy, like Return of the Living Dead 2. There are so many golden moments in this segment.

The Devil and Homer Simpson


After he has no donuts, Homer offers his soul for a donut. He finds out that Hlanders is the devil. Homer thinks he has outsmarted the devil by not finishing the last bite of donut. After Homer eats the forbidden donut he has a trial for his soul and who it belongs to

The Jury of the damned was iconic to me, I laughed until the next week’s episode. This one out of all of them is the segment that gives me the giggles.

The Raven


After turning in for the night with a book, Homer hears a knock and a raven joins him for a halairious chase ensues. No matter what Homer does, it doesn’t work amd the raven just keeps messing with him.

Definitely in my top 5.  This segment made me laugh in the worst of times, because, its just good to have a good laugh sometimes

Nightmare Cafeteria


After the school can not afford proper school lunches. Principal Skinner turns all the adults into cannibals. One by one the chldren disapear as they were made into food

This episode made school seem funny. My imagination was on this level as a kid, and still am. My few friends and I used to quote this segment all the time.

Attack of the 50 foot Eyesores


After stealing a giant donut off a statue all the statues come to life and start looking for the donut while destroying the town.

What can I say? I love the Simpsons and giant statues. It fills more than one void in my life.

The Homega Man


After the world ends Homer is the last person alive. This makes him feel invincible an he enjoys life by himself. But was he really alone?

What makes this segment so great is Homer doing what he wants. like dancing in his underwear at church.

That’s the end of the line folks! I hope you enjoyed it!

What’s your favorite Simpsons: Treehouse of Horror segment? Tell us in the comments!

About Craig Lucas

I hail from rural PA where there isn't much to do except fixate on something. Horror was, and still is my fixation. I have 35 years of horror experience under my belt, I love the horror community and it loves me.

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