The 'Burbs

‘THE ‘BURBS’ (1989) Is One Hell Of A Horror Comedy!

The ‘Burbs (1989) is celebrating its 35th anniversary this month. Let’s take a look back at this horror comedy that made suburbia seem like one hell of a place and explore a little movie trivia. 

But first? Check out the trailer!


Ray Peterson (Tom Hanks) is a man trying to enjoy a peaceful vacation in suburbia when secretive new neighbors move in next door. He becomes suspicious along with his neighborhood friends of these newcomers’ prompting investigation. Are they just being paranoid or is something truly evil at works?

The ‘Burbs (1989) was released on February 17, 1989. It was directed by Joe Dante and written by Dana Olsen. The movie stars Tom Hanks, Carrie Fisher, Bruce Dern, Corey Feldman, Rick Ducommun, Wendy Schaal, Henry Gibson, and Courtney Gains.

Movie Trivia

The ‘Burbs (1989) has a four-legged connection to another horror film. The toy poodle that plays Queenie in The ‘Burbs (1989) is the same dog that plays Precious in The Silence of the Lambs (1991). Suddenly I feel like I need some lotion!

The fictional street of Mayfield Place in The ‘Burbs (1989) is actually a popular street on the Universal back lot. This location has been used for so many movies and television shows that it may seem very familiar. It was the home of some Desperate Housewives (2004) as Wisteria Lane. It was also the setting of another creepy family, The Munsters (1964).

The 'Burbs

The ‘Burbs (1989) has a Gremlins (1984) connection as well. Early in the film, you see one of the actors eating breakfast with a box of Gremlins cereal sitting on the counter. This was a nod to the director of The ‘Burbs (1989), Joe Dante, as he also directed Gremlins (1984)

Grab some sardines and pretzels and invite your neighbors over to revisit this classic horror comedy! It is streaming now on Netflix!

the 'Burbs

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About Englewood29

A woman with a life long love affair of horror movies that enjoys supporting the horror community through her writing. .

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