Both The Amazing and Obscure: Happy Birthday, Bill Moseley!

November is filled with birthdays, including my own. Of course, I can’t help but be excited to share this month with yet another one of my absolute undeniable favorite actors: Bill Moseley. Not only is he talented but his range of acting extends beyond what most people know. From his small roles as a cab driver in his first film, Endangered Species (1982), to his newest film with Nic Cage, Prisoners of the Ghostland (2021 – our review), Bill Moseley has branded his name on the horror community and has amused all of us without fail.

Bill Moseley (our epic interview) was born November 11, 1951, in Stamford, Connecticut. Another legend was born into the horror genre and would eventually go on to play some amusing, memorable characters that are still as prominent today as they were then. Even now, I see his name mentioned constantly when it comes down to horror films and actors who have made their mark. His range of character portrayals are vast. Without his unique ability to mold each one to his own vision, I don’t think many of them would be the same someone else were in the role.

Bill Moseley plays all his characters with such amusing passion and intensity. I love all of his roles, but my favorite modern role is his portrayal as Otis Driftwood in Rob Zombie’s House of a 1000 Corpses 2003 – our retro review), Devils Rejects (2005) and 3 From Hell (2019 – our review). As usual, he gives it his all, resulting in one epic, resounding, memorable character. Violent, sinister, and malefic, I don’t think anyone else in the horror community could have portrayed Otis better than Bill Moseley does.

One of his biggest roles to this very day and one that he seems to revere as a breakout was his portrayal of Chop Top in Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (1986 – our retro review). Another strange but random character was in Army of Darkness (1992 – our retro review) where he played the Deadite Captain. There are, of course, so many more films that he has been in like Crepitus (2018 – our review), and each one of them is great in its own way.


Happy birthday, Bill Moseley!

About HorrorVision

I am a 35 old avid horror fan with a passion for writing and old movies. I love discussing and viewing movies old and new, everything horror fascinates me its a wonderful work of art that is underestimated by many.

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