Tag Archives: Werewolf Film

Christopher Jackson’s ‘The Beast Comes At Midnight’ Announces Male Leads

It was announced that three male actors—Michael McKeaver (100 Acres of Hell 2019), Robert “Bronzi” Kovacs (Death Kiss 2018 – read our review here) and Michael Paré (Eddie and the Cruisers 1983, Painkiller 2021 – read our review here), have been cast in Christopher Jackson’s (Terror Tales TV series) upcoming …

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‘Ginger Snaps’ (2000) – The Affect Of Effects

Another great opportunity to write about Ginger Snaps (2000 – read our retro review here), one of my favorite films of all time, came up recently. Even though I love the film for so many different reasons, I have decided to focus what detail I love most about it. So today, …

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Betsy (2017) Movie Review

After thoroughly enjoying Shawn Burkett’s Don’t Fuck in the Woods, I have been anxiously awaiting his latest film, Betsy. While Don’t Fuck in the Woods was already pretty ambitious for its low budget, Betsy is another beast entirely. Creature Features are hard to pull off with limited funds, but werewolf …

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Blood Moon River (2017) Movie Review

I have been a fan of Daniel Murphy and Tom Komisar’s HM&M Films for about a year or so now, ever since I found out a friend of mine was in their killer clown home invasion film, House of Whores. This a film I still have a hard time watching all …

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