Search Results for: what the fest

Happy Halloween: ‘Nightmare’ 2018 Trilogy Review

nightmare trilogy

Happy Halloween, boils and ghouls, we have a treat for you. If you love all things Wes Craven, then you’ll definitely want to check out this Nightmare trilogy that is inspired by him. It had it’s world premiere at the Brooklyn Horror Film Festival and is unlike anything else out …

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Diphenylchloroarsine’s Post Apocalyptic Human Annihilation (2017) Album Review

Three man wrecking crew Diphenylchloroarsine from Norway/Czech Republic are back with their first full length following up after their EP, The 6 Level Purge, in 2015. They take their name from a deadly organoarsenic chemical compound and play a style self-described as “biochemical sludge slam.” The newest album, Post Apocalyptic Human Annihilation, …

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BHFF 2018: ‘CAM’ (2018) Movie Review

cam 2018

Without knowing much about this movie before heading to the Brooklyn Horror Film Festival this year, Cam ended up being a beautiful surprise, and one of my personal favorites of 2018 thus far. Through its natural ability to touch base on a relatively taboo subject matter, this is a film …

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Interview with Chris von Hoffmann: Product of a Two World Collision

Born between the two worlds of wealthy upper class and blue collar life, Chris von Hoffmann began his career with the American Academy of Dramatic Arts and performed in several Broadway plays. However, after moving to Los Angeles, Chris began exploring his passion for film. Writing, producing and directing several …

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Actress Nadia Alexander Talks ‘The Dark’ (2018) With PopHorror

PopHorror had the pleasure to speak with Actress Nadia Alexander about her education, career, and fear of all things scary. The Dark (2018) is her newest film in which she delivers an outstanding performance as an abuse victim transformed into a fearless zombie. It was wonderful sharing some laughs and …

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The Queen Malvolia Halloween Special: Malvolia’s Bloody Revenge

Those who are unfamiliar with the blood drinking mistress of the dark, Queen Malvolia (Jenn Nangle: Irrational Fear, Split, Lilith) have been missing a growing talent in the indie world. For about a year, this seductive demoness has been known to host her own creepy, quirky, Tales from the Crypt/Elvira-esque YouTube …

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Lucio A. Rojas’ Latest Film, ‘Trauma’ (2017), Will Leave Many Traumatized – Movie Review


Extreme horror is home to the some of the most violent, bloodiest, and controversial films out there. They tend to pack an unprecedented punch to the viewers gut, burning into the memory, leaving a lasting impression. Writer/Director Lucio A. Rojas’ (Perfidy 2014) latest film, Trauma, is no exception to this …

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BHFF 2018: ‘Laugh Now Die Later’ Shorts Block Review

Anyone who knows me knows I’m a sucker for horror comedies. There’s just something gratifying about a genre flick that can laugh at itself. So it was my absolute pleasure to be able to review Laugh Now Die Later Shorts Block, the horror comedy block from this year’s Brooklyn Horror …

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BHFF 2018: ‘Wolfman’s Got Nards’ Documentary Film Review

Wolfman's Got Nards

Ever since I found out about Wolfman’s Got Nards, I have been looking forward to seeing this documentary about The Monster Squad. The Monster Squad  is one of my most favorite films of all time. It combines the power of friendship, the ’80s and Universal movie monsters. What’s not to …

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