Lisa Ovies and Raimi Productions Team Up for EmpowHer Female Film Program

Lisa Ovies (Puppet Killer) and Raimi Film Productions are teaming up to support EmpowHer Female Film Program. If you’re a female filmmaker looking to get into an exciting new film program, this news is for you.


Ovies launched the program earlier this spring after years of traveling the film festival circuit and attending numerous pitch meetings. During that time, she noted a pronounced lack of female representation behind the camera and decided to get proactive about it. Raimi Productions are sponsoring a full scholarship to Rogue Studios’ EmpowHer Female Filmmaking program, an eight-week online course covering everything you might need to know about getting your film off the ground, from pre-production to casting, script writing to cinematography, to editing and even a how-to on navigating the film festival experience.

Says Ovies:

“I was often one of, if not the only, female director or writer in a space, specifically in the genre world. And yet when I met women, they would constantly be telling me how much they would love to get behind the camera and tell stories. I started to realize pretty quick that the lack of representation wasn’t at all reflective of the desire and that most women were hesitant to start because they either didn’t have spaces they felt safe in to start asking the questions and learning the skills outside of committing to a full-time program, or they lacked personal role models telling them they could do it.”

About Christine Burnham

When not writing, Christine Burnham is watching TV, Horror films, reading, cooking, and spending time with her menagerie of animals.

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