Spider-Man Meme - The Thing

John Carpenter’s ‘THE THING’ (1982): 40 Years, 40 Memes

John Carpenter’s masterpiece, THE THING (1982), turns 40 years old in 2022. The film returned to theaters recently thanks to Fathom Events. I don’t know about you, but personally, I’d love to watch it on the big screen at least once a year.

About the only thing I love as much as this movie? Memes based on the movie! I’ve seen tons of them on Twitter and Facebook over the years, so I thought it might be fun to collect them in honor of the film’s milestone anniversary.

We hope you enjoy these as much as we do!

Do you remember the first time you saw it?

I remember…

What if you could go back?

It’s the greatest, right?

When someone says they don’t like THE THING

Definitely an underappreciated classic…


Flash! Ah ahhh!


Speaking of fashion…

“Someone in this camp ain’t what he appears to be…”

Speaking of AMONG US…

Atari 2600 inspired artwork by Nicole Falk

I want to play this! (Artwork by Paul Conway)

Artwork by Mike Handy

The LEGO game we need!

No toying around…

“Is there some kind of test, Doc?”

Who got to the blood?

“Mac wants the what?”

Mashup Artwork by Travis Falligant…

Reading is FUN-damental!

“How long were you alone with that dog, Scoob?”

Hey Verne!

Let’s give thanks…

Speaking of Holidays

Our favorite Christmas card!

Our favorite birthday card!

A fun movie mash-up

And another…

One more!

“We’re all very tired…”

Are all these memes making you hungry? (I suggest we only eat out of cans…)

Speaking of hungry. Border run?

Speaking of Norris…

Got a minute? It’s all relative…

Should have gone with the Mac…

A simpler time…

Cheaper, too…

And finally, how THE THING should have ended…

Happy 40th anniversary to John Carpenter’s THE THING! And here’s to 40 more THING-based memes!

P.S. I think technically there are 41 memes in this article if you count the cover image. I didn’t think anyone would mind!

How did you like 40 years, 40 memes? Tell us in the comments!


About Kenn Hoekstra

PopHorror Writer. Associate Editor. @PopHorrorNews Tweeter. Also... Screenwriter. Blogger. Horror Movie Aficionado. Wisconsin Sports Fan. IT Guy. Father. Smartass. People's Champion. TIME Person of the Year - 2006.

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