Interview with Rasmus Merivoo, Director of the Dark Fairy Tale ‘KRATT’

Last year during festival season, I reviewed the dark fairy tale, KRATT (read it – HERE) and now it’s available on Digital HD and Cable VOD. I recently had the opportunity to chat with the mastermind behind this wondaful and magical film, Rasmus Merivoo.


Children are left at Grandma’s without smartphones. Real life seems boring, working feels hard. Luckily they find instructions for Kratt – a magical creature from old Estonian mythology who will do whatever its master says. All they have to do now is buy a soul from the Devil! Life stops being boring in a bloody way…


PopHorror – I reviewed KRATT last year for Fantastic Fest and loved it. I’m glad it’s still receiving lots of love. What inspired you to make this film?

Rasmus Merivoo – I was interested how this Kratt-folklore from the past would translate to modern times. Building this monster from the tools of today makes it a different beast than the one in the past. It seemed there is some ancient wisdom connected to it all that wants to have a modern interpretation 🙂

PopHorror – I love it. The film has great cast. How did the casting process come about?

Rasmus Merivoo – Actually, there wasn’t so much casting but writing the script for the people I already knew. Some of them were well known actors, some of them were just friends from other fields of life. For example, Paul Purga who played Lembit – father of the twins, is actually a choir conductor.

It all started with Mari Lill – the actress who plays granny. She is well known in Estonia for playing witch in children tv-show in the 70s. When I met her during a tv-series I directed I knew I had to write something for her. She has this magical ability to be cute and terrifying at the same time. I wanted to make a film she could shine in so I found her before I started writing. Ivo Uukkivi – actor who plays the governor came to me at a party and asked for a role so I wrote it to him 🙂

Rasmus Merivoo

PopHorror – That’s awesome. There’s so many great scenes. Any favorite ones for yourself?

Rasmus Merivoo – I love the atmosphere in the scene before exorcism.

PopHorror – What was your ultimate goal when making this film?

Rasmus Merivoo – It’s always the same – to be the best I can be doing the thing I love the most. And to get a movie done after a long pause was a goal also.

PopHorror – That’s a good goal to have. Are you pleased with how people have reacted to this film and what do you hope people take away from this film?

Rasmus Merivoo – There are people who like it and that makes me happy. I hope the audience finds the joy we had making it.

Rasmus Merivoo

PopHorror – What inspired you to come a director?

Rasmus Merivoo – As a kid I wanted to be archeologist until I saw a documentary on how they made the film “Raiders of the lost ark”. I found out there is something even more fun than archeology – making films.

PopHorror – Any upcoming projects?

Rasmus Merivoo – We are in the middle of a shooting period and if all goes well my new feature might be ready in the end of next year. I don’t feel good talking about something I’m in the middle of doing, but it feels right now that it is going to be a romantic tragedy.

About Tori Danielle

Tori has had a passion for Horror and music ever since she was a little girl. She got bit by the writing bug in high school where she was involved in both the school newspaper and the yearbook. While getting her Bachelors degree, she took Journalism and Creative Writing classes where her passion grew even stronger. Now, in between work and family, she spends all of her spare time indulging in music, Horror movies, and nerdy fandoms, all while running/assisting one of the biggest Horror groups on Facebook and writing for various websites.

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