Interview with First Time Horror Director Christopher Micklos

Ever wanted to know what it takes to get a horror movie together? Well, PopHorror is a site by the fans for the fans! That’s why when an ad came across my news feed for the movie The Nursery, I was immediately intrigued. A film by three first-timers: Christopher Micklos, Glenn Chung, and Jay Sapiro. It is a movie that has an Indiegogo project that is designed especially for horror fans. I had the honor of interviewing director Christopher Micklos and wanted to get the word out on this film because he guarantees, “It will scare the hell out of you!” Who wouldn’t want to help be a part of getting a movie like that funded?


PopHorror.Com: Thank you so much for taking the time to talk with me! I’ll all for helping promote anything horror so I’m happy to help! Let’s get right into it! This is your first feature film, why did you decide to make a horror movie?

Christopher Micklos: Well, Glenn, Jay, and myself have been in media for almost 20 years. We decided to make a horror film because this genre has the most loyal fans and we wanted to make a film specifically for them. I myself, have been a rabid horror fan watching the classics. I was a child of the 70’s and 80’s. I always ate up all of the Halloweens and Hellraisers. I always wanted to make a horror film and combine the classic films, but with the genre changing concept in that direction.

PopHorror.Com: That’s actually a really awesome idea! There are many sub-genres of horror, how would you classify The Nursery?

Christopher Micklos: Sub-genres are in the eye of the beholder. This is more of a ghost story meets your classic babysitting horror story. There is something really interesting about someone being in someone else’s house and having to deal with things that are beyond your control. This is not like the typical slasher/stalker type. However, I just love the movie When a Stranger Calls (1979) and the stranger says, “Have you checked the children?”

PopHorror.Com: Oh my gosh, I love that movie reference and those movies! They’re most certainly movies that stay with you!

Christopher Micklos: If you’ve never been to Halloween Horror Nights in Orlando, you should. It is by far the coolest theme park of horror for a horror fan!

PopHorror.Com: I’ve heard amazing things about that place! It’s on my bucket list! I want to know more about this movie, what inspired it?

Christopher Micklos: Reality. Recently I became a father, I have a little girl who is two years old now. There was something always spooky with her monitor. It seemed to always being playing tricks on my mind. Like something was in the monitor. There is definite vulnerability about having the life of a child in your hands. There are two elements of fear perspectives one from the babysitter and then on the other hand what’s going on with the child?

PopHorror.Com:  Congrats on the baby girl, that’s awesome that being a father inspired this story! How long has this project been in the works?

Christopher Micklos: We started working on the story about four months ago. The script was finished about two months ago. Now casting is pretty much all in place.

PopHorror.Com: Wow! you guys really hit the ground running!

Christopher Micklos: Yeah! Well, we launched our facebook page two months ago, and it already has over 27,000 likes! The film fans are really encouraging and will become more so as it continues to grow!

PopHorror.Com: That’s awesome!!! Can you tell me about the Indiegogo fundraiser and its perks for the film?

Christopher Micklos: Well, with this fundraiser it’s all about getting people excited, especially the horror fans. They are a unique breed of people and they are the most loyal. To get them invested emotionally and to acknowledge fans is what the campaign is for. They can get shout outs on our page, possibly get their name on the credits in the film, even have the potential to become a producer of the film. I hope people take advantage of the running contests we constantly have on our facebook page. One perk that I think is really cool is that if they donate a certain amount, I collect movie memorabilia and they can take a piece from my collection, so not only will they have been apart of The Nursery they will get a piece from another movie! Some others include signed scripts and posters from our cast and crew!

PopHorror.Com: Wow that is really cool! I want to be apart of it! So, I see that your slogan for the film is “Death isn’t always final.” Can you explain that?

Christopher Micklos: I’m going to break away from that question! (Laughs) I don’t want to give too much away!

Pophorror.Com: That’s okay! (Laughs) I hate spoilers! What would you say this movie will end up being rated and when can we expect to see a trailer?

Christopher Micklos: It will likely end up with an R rating. It’s not a gore-fest. The movie Halloween is brilliant as it does so much with suspense and not as much as gore! But again ours isn’t a total gore fest, however, with some of the content, I can certainly see it as an R. For the trailer, ideally, we are hoping to shoot in the fall, possibly late September or early October. I’m actually hoping to have the trailer done by Halloween. That would be kind of perfect!

PopHorror.Com: That would be the perfect time to release a horror trailer! I don’t want to take up much more of your time so final question! What would you like to tell your fans?

Christopher Micklos: To the fans that have already engaged and those that will become, we appreciate all and any support! Let your friends and family know! We are horror fans making this film for horror fans! That is why we guarantee it will scare the hell out of you! You can expect this movie to be released either the first or second quarter of 2017!

PopHorror.Com: Thanks so much for speaking with me!

If you would like to have your place marked in horror movie cinematic history please check out the Indiegogo Project and claim what perk you want!

About Lacylou1122

Lacy Lou has had a love for horror movies pretty much since birth! If you ever need a horror trivia question answered she's your girl!!! She is obsessed with the movie Scream and even has a Ghostface tattoo to prove it! She loves to write and make new friends that share the same interest.

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