In A Violent Nature

‘IN A VIOLENT NATURE’ Now Available To Rent and Own

The experimental slasher, In A Violent Nature, from IFC Films, Shudder, and director Chris Nash (The ABCs of Death 2) is available now to rent and own on digital platforms. The film stars Ry Barrett (Dangerous Rumors), Andrea Pavlovic (Skymed – TV Series), and Cameron Love (Believers – TV Series).

You can check out our interview with Ry Barrett and Andrea Pavlovic here!


When a locket is removed from a collapsed fire tower in the woods that entombs the rotting corpse of Johnny, a vengeful spirit spurred on by a horrific 60-year old crime, his body is resurrected and becomes hellbent on retrieving it. The undead golem hones in on the group of vacationing teens responsible for the theft and proceeds to methodically slaughter them one by one in his mission to get it back – along with anyone in his way.

Check out the trailer below:

The film hit theaters back on May 31, 2024 and is now available to rent and own on digital platforms, including Vudu/Fandango and Amazon Prime Video.

About Kenn Hoekstra

PopHorror Writer. Associate Editor. @PopHorrorNews Tweeter. Also... Screenwriter. Blogger. Horror Movie Aficionado. Wisconsin Sports Fan. IT Guy. Father. Smartass. People's Champion. TIME Person of the Year - 2006.

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