The house itself is a character.

Greg Pritikin Talks on Masterful Subversion and How He Wants to Present Horror in ‘The Mistress’ – Interview

Note:  This piece was written during the 2023 WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes. Without the labor of the writers and actors currently on strike, the film being covered here wouldn’t exist. PopHorror fully supports the WGA and SAG-AFTRA and their efforts. 

After catching a screening of The Mistress (our review) last month, I was ecstatic to have an opportunity to talk at length with its writer/director, Greg Pritikin.

I’ve had great conversations connecting with writers, advisors, directors, and actors sharing their stories, processes, and passions with PopHorror. But it’s rare that I get lost in conversation and stay present so much that I lose track of time, and it feels like chatting with a new friend. Although it doesn’t help that I completely forgot I downgraded my Zoom plan due to its bizarro privacy policies and haven’t found a better replacement yet.

John Magaro as haunted newlywed and writer, Parker.

Do What You Love, and It Rarely Feels Like Work

But alas, that’s precisely what happened while chatting with Greg about his latest film, The Mistress. I think our start to the interview also disarmed my more routine approach. Without going into details (because I find it more amusing that way and also to respect privacy), I’ll say that once shenanigans around excreta come into play, my inner pre-teen took the reigns for a little bit, and I lost focus. The same thing happens when I hear certain sounds or words. Life’s more fun that way.

Parker (John Magaro) gets a little too close with intrusive neighbor Dawn (Kat Cunning).

Go With the Flow

So you might notice the energy and flow of this interview is a bit different from my others, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. While we did discuss the origins and making of The Mistress, we also talked about the magic of filmmaking, that pesky progressive scan setting on modern televisions—turn that shit off, by the way! Plus, I was also fortunate to bear witness to the news of Greg’s kiddo losing her tooth! When you love kids like I do, those are such fun and special moments. Not featured in the video, of course, but there are some random mentions. 

Bonus Content

And before Zoom cut us off again, I was also graced with the presence of Fred Stoller (Everybody Loves Raymond 1998) via a video call on Greg’s end. In that mini-bonus interview, Fred shares some of his insights on horror as well as mentions some great favorites.

So check it out!

And then go watch ‘The Mistress’ on AppleTV, iTunes, Google Play or YouTube!

Also, the Animal Planet horror film Fred mentions is Blood Lake: Attack of the Killer LampreysWhile I’m not typically into animal attack horror, I was curious… it’s on Tubi if you want to check it out yourself. And honestly, it’s not too bad! There’s that definite cheese they tend to carry with them, but it’s still fairly fun. 

About Tiffany Warren

Along with writing for PopHorror, Tiffany is a video editor and 3D rendering and animation enthusiast. When not writing, she's hiking and making photos, or loving on her precious furbabies.

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