Wear Your Sunglasses at Night With ‘Future Man’ (2017)

There was a show that was made by Rocket Jump years ago called Video Game High School. It was about a school for elite gamers and that was all they did, learn about video games. It’s still one of my favorite shows. “Why do I bring that up?” you ask? Hulu recently released a show called Future Man that brought back the VGHS feels.

I looooooove video games. I love playing them and I love watching videos of people playing them. It’s truly how I love to spend my downtime. So when I find a show that either centers on a gamer or their love of gaming, I kind of latch on.

Future Man

Enter Future Man, starring Josh Hutcherson (The Hunger Games) as Josh Futterman, a janitor at Kronish research lab trying to find the cure for herpes. When he’s not working, he’s obsessed with an unbeatable game called ‘Biotic Wars.’ No one in the world has beaten it, but nevertheless he tries.

After years of hard work, Josh actually beats ‘Biotic Wars’ and is named the one and only savior of the Resistance. During a victory fap, Tiger (Eliza Coupe, Quantico) and Wolf (Derek Wilson, Preacher), the leaders of the Resistance in the game, show up IRL.

Turns out, the game ‘Biotic Wars’ was an elite training program sent back in time to find the soldier who can stop the death of all humanity, by stopping the person who created the cure that made the Biotics…Dr. Elias Kronish (Keith David, The Thing). And the only thing between Dr. Kronish and destruction of the human race is the Savior. But he isn’t what Tiger and Wolf thinks he is. They will have to travel through time to change the past for a better future.

Future Man

I fucking love this show. Not only does it have a cool premise and dystopian feel, but it is so funny. I laughed my ass off watching this. It make me like Josh Hutcherson more and Derek Wilson was amazing as Wolf. His character may be my favorite from anything….anywhere.

The effects were realistic, the dialogue was ridiculous yet believable and Tiger’s hair is fabulous. It set itself up nicely for a second season and I’m already itching to watch it. It also featured Ed Begley Jr. and Glenne Headly (RIP) as Josh’s parents. The entire first season was dedicated to Headly, who passed away of a pulmonary embolism not long after filming.

Seth Rogan showed off his directorial chops for at least one of the episodes obviously lending his silly charm to the series.

Josh Hutcherson!

Future Man

While the characters are outrageous (Tiger is obsessed with babies and Wolf with 80’s pop star Corey Hart), there were real emotional times in the series that dug into the consequences of our actions, the butterfly effect. So if hilarious dialogue, a bad ass story-line, Corey Hart and full-frontal male nudity during a clone fight tickles your fancy, then Future Man is right for you. I highly recommend this one.



About Dev Crowley

D.D. Crowley has been writing since she could scrawl misspelled words on paper to make a story. Thankfully her writing has improved. An avid horror, paranormal, sci-fi and video game lover, she gets to write about all her favorite nerdy fandoms. Some of her favorites are found footage movies, the original 'Halloween' and 'Resident Evil' (the games not the movies, don't ever ask her about the movies... you have been warned).

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