Domiziano Cristopharo’s ‘The Obsessed’ (2019): How Far Would You Go For Love? Once You’re Gone, Can You Come Back? – Movie Review

When it comes to love, some of us fall hard, quickly, and in some cases, become attached rapidly. These feelings can be mutual, and sometimes they won’t be shared. It can be hard for celebrities in the public eye who have to carry an image that they’re available for anyone, which can be unhealthy.

I was  honored to watch Albania’s first horror movie, The Obsessed, directed by Domiziano Cristopharo (Blue Sunset 2021 – read our interview with him here) and starring Jacopo Tomassini (Almost Dead 2016) Elisa Carrera Fumagalli (Deep Web 2018) and Bjordi Mezini (Floorless 2017). The plot of the film is:

A body horror freely inspired to the real story of Ricardo López, Bjork’s stalker.

The Obsessed starts with a beautiful song sung by Susan Dibona, who does the singing voice for Grace (Fumagalli), the object of love in question. The film isn’t exactly a slow burn, but it is a dissection of the human spirit and mind. We watch him go through a metamorphosis of a drug addicted fan to his last stage of a madman on the brink of false idolizing which leads him to at this point where there’s really no need for spoilers if you’re aware of what happened to Bjork’s stalker.

The Obsessed is a horror movie, no argument there, in reference to the concept and the FX involved, a body horror using puppetry and amazing prosthetics. Yes, I said puppetry, but don’t expect a cute song and number. Think of more along the lines of Frank Henenlotter’s Basketcase (1982).

We watch him suffer in pain from drug abuse. Jacopo doesn’t do drugs to ease the pain from reality; he takes them to put him into the ideology he wishes to see where he’s beautiful and a somebody. At times, the drugs have horrifying repercussions such as mutations or even hallucinations. We can’t help but feel disgusted with him, but we also feel sympathy? He carries a torch for his love only to find no replies of any sort. In reality, she doesn’t even know he exists. He grows tired and desperate as the drugs and alcohol continue to get harder. There’s no sign of improvement, no chance of him realizing the error of his ways, just the fact that he’s merely wallowing in his grave. The times he does go out, it’s just to pick through the trash… not using it for anything, just collecting whatever feels fit.

Yes, The Obsessed is a body horror movie, and yes, there is exhibition, but there’s no jokes or singing. No over the top FX that would take away the element of the film. It is the gritty character development that may be boring to some but be the aspect that hypnotizes others into watching. We don’t hate him; we don’t love him. We sympathize with those who have been through addiction and are getting help. The Obsessed latches us when we see him talking a pile of ooze or when he imagines one of his mutations into a cat and a demon. This is what I enjoyed the most, watching the FX come into play. The editing is done so well, it’s hard to pinpoint how it was done precisely. The Obsessed will be released by Tetro Video, so I’m sure there will be extras for the fans.

One scene in particular that I enjoyed was when he talks to his “father.” Jacopo decides to do some drugs and turns into the demon he sees in the mirror. We hear his father’s voice only to find his face has been skinned off. Jacopo applies it back on only to hear, “I forgive you.” I saw this as the character telling himself he forgives himself so that he can feel validated for his wrongdoings. At this point, we realize there’s no hope for him.


We see scenes of mutilation and even a view of him dressed in makeup where he delivers a beautiful speech. Which yes, can be seen as creepy, but if the feelings were mutual, I’m sure it would be different. Of course, I appreciate Domiziano shooting the scene professionally and respectfully. A movie like The Obsessed is delicate and sensitive for some. Domiziano went out of his way to make a movie inspired by the events of Bjork’s real stalker. He didn’t make a movie with no plot, nudity, and gore, just for the sake of blood, only to make a quick buck. He made a movie that showcases so much more. The Obsessed was shot on location and, at times, has beautiful backdrops and lighting for certain scenes. Not so much depending on psychedelic colors but just to match the mood of the character.

The Obsessed won the Best MIDNIGHT Feature at The Nightmares Film Festival. Truth be told, this would be a cult classic, a midnight night movie for sure, the kind of film you watch late at night or a club while you drink and say to the bartender, “How can I get this movie? Can I buy it off of you? Because nobody is going to believe me when I tell them about it.” Watch this movie with friends, a loved one, or just show it to your FX class so they can see a work of art unfold.

About Jai Alexis

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