Coming Soon to Select Theaters and VOD: Vera And Kendall Whelpton’s ‘The Sleepless Unrest: The Real Conjuring Home’

Coming soon to select theaters and VOD is a new horror documentary directed by Kendall Whelpton (The House in Between) and Vera Whelpton called The Sleepless Unrest: The Real Conjuring Home. It will be available on July 16, 2021.


The world-famous house that inspired The Conjuring film has recently been sold and is now open to paranormal investigations. With special access, a small group of filmmakers and paranormal investigators are allowed to move into the famously haunted home for two weeks in hopes of capturing evidence. During this time the group will be experiencing, investigating, and documenting every moment. Will they be able to make it through their stay? Do malevolent spirits still haunt this home, or is it something more sinister?
Check out the trailer below:

About Christine Burnham

When not writing, Christine Burnham is watching TV, Horror films, reading, cooking, and spending time with her menagerie of animals.

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