

You know, with a title like Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter, you’d think B-movie goodness would be boiling over in Katrina-like proportions. But, sadly, Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter just gives you a baptism of boredom. Set in modern times (2002), Jesus Christ (Phil Caracas) returns to Earth to kick some vampire …

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Review – Cooties (2015)

Growing up, kids often referred to each other as having cooties, an imaginary germ or repellent that one would catch if they touched the opposite sex. A silly innocent game of pretend. Or is it?  If you watch 2015’s Cooties, you may rethink your stance on the whole idea. I …

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Review – THE DARKNESS (2016)

Ever wonder what a horror movie chock full of every cliché in the book would look like? Ever wonder how Stir of Echoes would have been like had it sucked? Ever wonder how it would be to watch a movie while sleeping? If so, then you are a prime candidate …

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‘Volumes of Blood’ (2015) Is Volumes Of Bloody Fun! – Movie Review

When you’re looking for something a little different to watch, you can’t go wrong with an anthology. If you don’t happen to like the first story, just wait a few minutes and a new one will start up. It’s always fresh and you get a lot of story for your …

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Pay the Ghost (2015) – Review

Never one to take a much (much) needed break, Nicholas Cage finds himself searching for his supernaturally kidnapped son (Jack Fulton) in Pay the Ghost. Directed by Uli Edel, the film co-stars Sarah Wayne Callies as Cage’s wife and was released on September 25, 2015 via RLJ Entertainment. Although the …

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Review – Stung (2015)

I’m notorious for putting off watching recommended movies. Friends are always suggesting great flicks to watch, but all too often they are put to the side because, well, life happens. Over the weekend, however, while debating what to watch with a friend, I finally saw a horror movie that had …

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Review – When Animals Dream (2014)

Werewolf movies come along quite often. Some of them serve as wonderfully frightening entries into the subgenre, and others should probably be put down with a silver bullet. The difficult thing about werewolf movies is that, for the most part, they’re different variations of the same formula. What sets the …

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Review – Green Room (2016)

Writer/director Jeremy Saulnier’s sophomore film Blue Ruin (2013) was met with critical acclaim and brought him into the spotlight as a talented independent filmmaker. Understandably, there has been a great deal of hype around Saulnier’s third film, Green Room, which debuted during the Directors’ Fortnight portion of the 2015 Cannes Film …

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