Available Now on DVD from BayView Entertainment: Tilke Hill And David R. Williams’ ‘Rust Belt Driller’

Available now on DVD from BayView Entertainment and directors Tilke Hill (Why I Murdered My Roommate) and David R. Williams (Cleric) is the new horror film, Rust Belt Driller. The film stars Aaron Krygier (Red Scream Vampyres), Jillian Geurts (Play), Veronica Knightly, and Stephen Jakiel.


Renn Maxwell seems to have everything going for him. He has a manager that cares, he’s good enough at his craft (visual art) to have private gallery screenings. He seems to live in a nice looking house and he has a committed, streetwise, and beautiful partner in Carol. But Renn has been followed all his life by something dark. And now with the chaos of the modern world, and his own inner horrors, that evil has finally gotten close enough to reach out and touch. What follows in the next few days will paint the city of Buffalo, NY a whole new canvas, mostly flowing red.

Check out the trailer below:

About Christine Burnham

When not writing, Christine Burnham is watching TV, Horror films, reading, cooking, and spending time with her menagerie of animals.

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