murder bury win

Austin Film Festival 2020 Review: Michael Lovan’s ‘Murder Bury Win’ is A Fun Game Of Death

One of the best things about black comedy films is the even balance between humor and suspense. It always gives viewers a tongue and cheek suspense feel while at the same time giving them something to laugh at. This film gave me something to remember it by and that film is Murder Bury Win directed by Michael Lovan (A Reunion, Last Look). The film stars Mikelen Walker, Erich Lane, Henry Alexander Kelly, Craig Cackowski, and Brian Slaten.

murder bury win

Synopsis For Murder Bury Win

Three friends have created a board game, MURDER BURY WIN, and they think it has what it takes to become a bestseller on the indie charts. When their attempt to crowdfund fails, a mysterious man makes them an offer: he will publish their game on the condition that he takes credit as the sole creator and owner. After a dispute over the gaming rights leaves them with a body on their hands, the young men realize how suspiciously like murder the freak accident appears. Now, with few options remaining, they look to their game for guidance. The premise of their game? How to murder someone and get rid of the body.
Murder Bury Win

I went into Murder Bury Win without seeing a trailer or having any knowledge of the film. After watching it for the first time, I really enjoyed this as a solid black comedy film. Mikelen Walker (Chris), Erich Lane (Adam), and Henry Alexander Kelly (Barrett) played their roles incredibly well as three friends trying to cash in on a passion project but also had to deal with the events that unfolded in the process. I also enjoyed Craig Cackowski’s performance as board game creator V.V. Stubbs who comes off as a mysterious yet charismatic visionary when it comes to board games.

Overall Murder Bury Win is an incredibly fun film especially for those of you that love that balanced blend of suspense and humor. This is a film I would highly recommend if you’re looking to watch a fun film that you’ll end up watching a second time. Murder Bury Win recently premiered at the Austin Film Festival 2020 and is currently making its way through the festival circuit, next up is Phoenix FearCON.

About SynthwavePhantom

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