‘Ape Canyon’ (2019): A Cryptozoological Dramedy – Film Review

Ape Canyon is a film that has been on my radar since I first read about it here at PopHorror. I am a fan of conspiracy theories such as Bigfoot AKA Sasquatch. After watching the trailer, I could tell that this film was going to be much more than a movie about Bigfoot. When asked to review this film, no hesitation, my answer was yes. What did I think of Ape Canyon? Read on for my spoiler free review!

Ape Canyon


Ape Canyon Synopsis:

Cal Piker hasn’t seen his sister, Samantha, since their mother’s funeral. So she’s more than a little surprised when he interrupts her English lecture one morning with a bag of tacos and a proposal: a week out in the woods of Oregon, a week of looking for Bigfoot. And he already bought her ticket with her credit card. So Samantha reluctantly joins Cal on an adventure he won’t fully explain, headed to Ape Canyon for no other reason than “that’s where they are.” But it’s a dangerous thing to be led around by Cal, the irresponsible, frustratingly likable kid brother, the one always running so hard and so far in the wrong direction.

For Cal’s part, he’s enthusiastic to the point of irrationality to make his way to Ape Canyon and find Bigfoot for himself. He joins with a small group of adventurers and their guide from the Bigfoot Investigation Organization, and whatever obstacles they face—beginning, disconcertingly, with the guide absconding with money and valuables and leaving the group in the woods to die—he will not be turned away. For whatever reason, for Cal, this is not a matter of legend. This is not just some adventure. If Samantha doesn’t stop him, Cal will either find Bigfoot or die trying.

Ape Canyon is directed by Joshua Land (Bad Witch, I Like Me). It is written by Harrison Demchick and stars Jackson Trent (Bad Witch), Anna Fagan (Bad Witch, I Like Me) and Donny Ness.

Ape Canyon

My Thoughts

This film is a lot of fun. It’s not a horror film, which I don’t have an issue with at all. It is a dramedy about what it is to be human, to have feelings and make mistakes, and the way we work through all of  that. The action of the chase to Ape Canyon is the backdrop of this story. Does Cal make it to his destination? Does he meet the elusive Bigfoot? For that, you’ll have to watch the film.

The cinematography in this film is breathtaking as well. I haven’t been to this part of the United States, but now I definitely want to go and see this area one day. The plot is solid. It has a good blend of humor and heartfelt moments. I enjoyed how the plot unfolded at nice pace, and I feel like I was right there with them searching for Bigfoot. The scenes added to create diversions to them making it to Ape Canyon are just enough. A wonderful addition to this film is the use of drawings and animations. It brought additional comedy without being corny or cheesy.

Ape Canyon

The actors are fantastic. They all bring such a dynamic to each of their characters. Jackson Trent and Anna Fagan are convincing as siblings. They have chemistry together, which carries throughout the film. Ape Canyon is well-written and the dialogue is spot on. I found myself chuckling out loud throughout the runtime. Cal is a likeable character we can all identify with even if we aren’t as irresponsible as he is. Samantha nails the “annoyed but I still love you” sister.

Ape Canyon

My Final Thoughts

Definitely check out Ape Canyon. It is a fun ride with literal laugh out loud lines and some heartfelt relatable moments.

About Jennifer Bonges

I love a good scare. I have a collection of over 500 horror movies and I am an avid reader as well. I'm also a fan of other nerdoms, Star Wars, Star Trek, X-Files, Firefly and Doctor Who to name a few. I live in Illinois with my husband and cats who share my nerdoms.

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