Chapter 3 of the now official, American Horror Story: Roanoke, was heart-pounding. Picking up directly where the last episode left off, we follow the unfortunate family that owns the house, the Millers, as they search for Lee’s daughter, Flora. In an interesting addition, similar to Poltergeist’s Tangina, a psychic named Cricket (Leslie Jordan who played Quentin in Season 3) shows up to help the family locate the young girl. According to him, she wasn’t taken by anyone of the living nature.

Every single episode this season has been better than the previous. We got to learn more about The Butcher, played by Kathy Bates, who has quite the score to settle after being betrayed by her son. So far, her backstory is my absolute favorite. It is brutal, heart wrenching, and completely relatable as we watch her get thrown to the wolves, so to speak.

We still have no sight of Evan Peters, that’s the bad news, but we did get some kind of hint as to what kind of character Lady Gaga is playing. Not only is she part of this “colony” but she clearly has siren-like qualities. At least that is what I inferred from the content. I won’t go deeper into this because I don’t want to give anything away. Just settle for the fact that American Horror Story is not through shocking us visually.
I’d give this week’s episode – Chapter 3 – an A+. It was absolutely riveting and the addition of the character Cricket is necessary and provides another layer to this complex storyline. But can we seriously have Evan Peters now? It has been said that as of Episode 6, everything that we thought we knew about Roanoke is going out the window. I’m curious as to what they, the writers, have up their sleeves for us later on. Me, personally, my money is on them ending the current storyline for the Miller family, and moving on to “episode 2” of My Roanoke Nightmare. In episode 2, I think we will meet a new family, with similar crazy experiences, that will eventually tie into the Miller’s storyline. Hey, we can hope, right?
Leave your thoughts and comments on what you thought of this week’s episode below.