Marcus Koch’s ‘100 TEARS’ – Blu-Ray Review

I’ve been wanting to see 100 Tears for years, ever since I read about it in Fangoria magazine. Somehow I never got around to it, until today. Unearthed Films finally released 100 Tears on Blu-Ray and I picked up.

Read on for my thoughts as well as details about the Blu-Ray release.


After being accused of crimes he did not commit, a lonely circus performer exacts his revenge on those who unjustly condemned him. The act sparks something inside of him which he cannot stop and now, years later, his inner-demons have truly surfaced. Part urban legend, part tabloid sensationalism… he is now an unstoppable murderous juggernaut, fueled only by hate. Going to the circus will never be the same!

100 Tears was directed by Marcus Koch (Rot) and written by Joe Davison (As Night Falls). The film stars Georgia Chris (The Tenant), Joe Davison (Death Blow), Raine Brown (Barricade), Jack Amos, Kibwe Dorsey (Experiment 7), Rod Grant (Die Die Delta Pi), and Norberto Santiago.

The Film

I’m very happy to say that after years of wanting to see 100 Tears, it didn’t disappoint. 100 Tears is a down and dirty slasher film filled to the brim with violence and gore. There are plenty of creative kills and they are well executed. There’s decapitations, disemboweling, crushed heads, slit throats, limbs cut off and knives through the head.

There is enough story to keep things interesting and keep the film moving at a steady pace. The main characters, Jennifer and Mark are interesting and sympathetic enough to keep you invested in what’s going on and hope they don’t meet a brutal end. The film is full of memorable sequences, with the opening massacre at a halfway house being one of the films many gruesome highlights. There are even a couple nice twists.

The Extras

Extras include a 45 minute interview with Marcus Koch about the film. Details covered include the making of the film, the music of the film, inspiration for Gurdy, the FX of the film, casting Gurdy, inspiration for the film, favorite kills, and where the meat cleaver came from.

  • A 23 minute making of 100 Tears with tons of interviews with the cast and crew.
  • 2 Behind the Scenes segments which focus on the sets, locations and special effects as well as set shenanigans.
  • Marcus Koch’s childhood short films.
  • Deleted Scenes
  • Outtakes
  • Trailers

Final Thoughts

100 Tears is a down and dirty slasher filled with impressive kills and a high body count. The Blu-Ray is full of interesting extras that give you an inside look into the making of the film. If you’ve been interested in checking out 100 Tears and haven’t yet, I highly recommend picking up the Blu-Ray.

About Charlie Cargile

Central Illinois based film journalist. Lover of cinema of all varieties but in love with films with an independent spirit. Elder Emo. Cat Dad. Metalhead.

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