Top 10 Must-See Horror Movies of 2000

5). Final Destination

There are countless slasher flicks out there. Well, Final Destination turned horror fans on their heads when we weren’t witnessing a masked killer offing high school students, but Death itself.

After a high school student saves his classmates from a plane crash, the survivors mysteriously start dying off in a series of freak accidents. Are they accidents? Final Destination was so successful that it was followed up by four sequels. The second one is my absolute favorite for having one of the most epic car crash disaster scenes I have ever seen. It would have never existed without this initial entry.

The creativity that went into planning every death in this film is what set it apart from the rest of the horror genre. Before Saw introduced its plethora of new traps, deaths in horror films were pretty “by the numbers.” Final Destination capitalized on killing its cast in almost unbelievably impossible ways that resembled a murderous game of “mousetrap.”

About Preston Holt

At 5 years old i was catapulted in to the horror genre and have had no desire to ever leave it. I'm 26 years old with a great sense of humor and a thirst for the horror industry that just will never be quenched. I have a horror review site of my own called cabinintheweb reviews and when I'm not writing about, or watching, horror films, I am spending time with my spouse and my animals.

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One comment

  1. You could also make a pretty good case for GINGER SNAPS and THE CELL…