The Parasite Thriller, ‘The Nest,’ Comes to Disc This July

The Nest (aka The Bewailing) is coming to physical media on July 20, 2021. I learned pretty much everything that’s important in life from horror movies, and this one is no exception. There are just some things you don’t buy secondhand at a yard sales… mattresses, shoes, home appliances, electronics. I know that leaves a pretty narrow window. Then again, you always have to ask yourself before you purchase something from a folding table in someone’s front yard: “Why are they getting rid of this?” Sometimes it’s obvious. They didn’t have the enlightened perspective needed to appreciate that Friday the 13th Part 5 novelization the way you would. That’s definitely a win. However, stuffed teddy bears with big, black, soulless eyes may also raise a red flag. The upcoming film, The Nest, pokes at that raw nerve of paranoia revealing that something so innocent could be the harbinger of absolute and disgusting evil.


When Meg and her mother Beth visit a yard sale, Beth buys her young daughter an adorable stuffed bear, thinking it may help with Meg’s separation anxiety. As children do, she quickly becomes attached to the bear, talking to it and taking it everywhere she goes. However, soon Beth notices that the bear is communicating with Meg and even influencing her behavior. When Meg starts developing hoarding habits and seems infected by a parasitic creature, things take a turn for the worse. Soon, it’s clear there’s something much more nightmarish and sinister to this yard sale toy than anyone could have imagined.

The Nest is directed by James Suttles (cinematographer for The Good Things Devils Do – read our review here) and written by Halloween Kills‘ Jennifer Trudrung (read our interview with her here). The cast includes Sarah Navratil (Pretty Little Liars), Kevin Patrick Murphy (The Resident, Under the Dome, Stranger Things), Drez Ryan (Mr. Mercedes) and horror legend Dee Wallace (read our interview with her here). Check out the trailer below, and stop back by PopHorror for more news and reviews for The Nest.

About Kevin Scott

Parents who were not film savvy and completely unprepared for choosing child appropriate viewing material were the catalyst that fueled my lifelong love affair with horror, exploitation, blaxploitation, low budget action, and pretty much anything that had to be turned off when my grandparents visited. I turned out okay for the most part, so how bad could all these films actually be?

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