‘The Lost Boys’ Turns 30! – Retro Review

“Sleep all day, party all night. Never grow old, never die. It’s fun to be a vampire!” Today marks the 30th Anniversary for The Lost Boys, a film that truly perfected and paved the way for the sexy vampire craze! 

(Synopsis provided by IMDb.com):

After moving to a new town, two brothers (Jason Patric and Corey Haim) discover that the area is a haven for vampires.

Image result for behind the scenes of the lost boys

The Lost Boys brought a sexy, gory, fun horror film that fans still enjoy 30 years later! However, fans almost got an entirely different film. Jan Fischer and James Jeremias’ original script was described as a “Goonie-type” of vampire film with 5th-6th grade kid vampires. James’ original idea came from Peter Pan. With Peter being able to fly, visiting Wendy at night, and, of course, never growing old, James got the idea that Peter and his lost boys could be vampires; that was what started it all.

Director Joel Schumacher hated the idea and only agreed to sign on if he could change the characters to teenagers. He thought it would be sexier and much more interesting, and he was right!

The Lost Boys also started the dynamic duo that took over teenage hearts in the 80’s – the two Coreys! Ironically, in 1985, both Corey Feldman and Corey Haim auditioned for the role of Mouth in The Goonies, which we know Feldman won the role. The Lost Boys ended up being their first film together, but it certainly wasn’t their last.

The best thing about this film is undoubtedly David, the gang’s “leader”, wonderfully played by Kiefer Sutherland. Kiefer almost passed on the part, but after hearing that INXS and Jimmy Barnes were going to sing for the soundtrack, he immediately changed his mind.

One of David’s best scenes is when his hand gets pulled into the sunlight and burns him. When that little tear rolls down his face as he looks at the camera, that was actually unintentional. Kiefer’s contacts were very painful and irritating it caused the perfect reaction and was placed in the final cut.

Image result for behind the scenes of the lost boys

Image result for behind the scenes of the lost boys

After 30 years, The Lost Boys have truly proved that it will never grow old, and its popularity will never die! Now, as we celebrate the anniversary and watch one of our favorite vampire flicks, make sure the wine in your glass is actually wine, and get yourself a garlic t-shirt buddy, or it’s your funeral!



About Karli Lawson

I basically grew up watching horror films and spooky things. I watched my first horror film when I was 4 years old. I've wanted to be a writer ever since I've read Stephen King books in middle school. I love writing and talking about my favorite genre. I hope to one day be successful in screenwriting and filmmaking. Everything horror, of course!

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