The Dark Art Of Erica Blackstock – Interview With An Artist

There are a few artists that have enchanted me with their images, luring me in with their creations. One of these such artisans is Erica Blackstock. Her creations have a dichotomy of innocence and darkness that makes her one of my favorite artists. It was an honor to get the opportunity to interview this talent.

The talented Erica Blackstock

PopHorror: When did you become interested in art?

Erica Blackstock: To me, my art is just an interpretation of my imagination… and I’ve been lost in my own imagination for as long as I can remember. I was born this way.

Erica’s Edward Inspired Artwork

PopHorror: How would you describe your art?

Erica Blackstock: This is a hard question to answer because I work with so many different mediums. I bounce between mannequins, making dolls, dollhouses, acrylic, installation, and most recently, watercolors. The only way I can describe my work is that it is a piece of me. I put every ounce of me into everything that I do. You can almost see what I am feeling in the moment of whatever I am creating. It was never my goal, but it just ends up that way.

Erica’s artistic creations

PopHorror: Where do you find inspiration?

Erica Blackstock: I pull my inspiration from everywhere. I seem to soak in whatever is around me. Sometimes, it is a lyric to a song or something someone says. Other times, I will be looking at something, and I see something else. I need to discard it out of my brain, so I create. Then there are times I try to literally interpret my feelings through simple lines and stick figures with color. I am quite visually stimulated, which can be an overwhelming burden for me until I can transfer the image into something else like art.

Erica’s horror inspired art

PopHorror: Can you tell me about the horror-themed art you create?

Erica Blackstock: Though I love creating things from my own imagination, I have always been involved with shows that surround horror movie themes. I guess it started in high school when I created a Candyman (1992) piece. We were given a glass plate and wine glass, and asked to create a dinner setting with a theme. I chose Candyman (1992). It turned out great, but freaked out my peers. (laughs) Since then, I’ve created numerous dolls and paintings, as well as my favorite horror creation, my A Nightmare on Elm Street inspired dollhouse. Every room had a different kill scene from all of the movies. I was so excited when it sold this past Christmas.

Erica’s horror inspired art

PopHorror: Didn’t Billy Corgan of the The Smashing Pumpkins like your art?

Erica Blackstock: It was probably one of the best experiences of my life that happened in the worst year of my life. It changed everything for me. I was creating watercolors while dealing with the loss of a significant childhood friend. I was posting these to social media, trying to speak through my art how I was feeling, since I could not verbalize it. One day, I received a notification that Billy Corgan liked one of my posts of this art. I was in awe, to say the very least.

HE was the voice. HE had the words that helped me get through my childhood and adulthood. And here HE was, hearing me speak through my artwork as I always did his. It meant everything, so I messaged him and shared the sentiment. Coincidentally, the day he liked my work on social media, I was already creating a piece inspired by one of his songs, Today. I sent a picture of the piece along with the thank you for liking my post, and he loved it. I then offered to share my work with him and asked if I could give him this piece in person at his upcoming concert that I had planned on attending.

From this point, arrangements were made, and I ended up creating 2 watercolors that I was going to be able to hand deliver to Billy Corgan! He was extremely appreciative and kind. Every person involved in making this happen was amazing! At every check point I went through backstage, they knew my name and why I was there. It was something I never expected and something I will NEVER forget.

Smashing Pumpkins inspired art

PopHorror: Have you had your pieces in art shows?

Erica Blackstock: I have been consistently participating in art shows locally here in Dayton, OH for almost 10 years. I love the artists here. It is wonderful, being able to see the world through other people’s eyes. To me, art shows are not always about selling. It is more about multiple imaginations working together.

Erica’s work displayed at one of the art shows

PopHorror: Where would someone be able to buy your art?

Erica Blackstock: They can contact me on my personal Facebook or Instagram (EdGeinsMother). There is also my art page on Facebook called Erica Blackstock’s Dark Art in Dayton.

PopHorror: What is your favorite scary movie?

Erica Blackstock: It depends on the day, but here is a list of my favorites:

The Uninvited (2009)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
House of 1000 Corpses (2003)
ABCs of Death 1 & 2 (2012, 2014)
CandyMan: Farewell to Flesh (1995)

PopHorror would like to thank Erica Blackstock for taking the time for this interview, and we want to send the best of luck to this talented artist! Remember to keep PopHorror as your source for all your horror news, reviews, and interviews.

Erica’s Captain Spaulding inspired artwork

About Englewood29

A woman with a life long love affair of horror movies that enjoys supporting the horror community through her writing. .

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