Tag Archives: Everett McGill

Celebrating ‘The People Under the Stairs’ (1991), Wes Craven’s Most Political Film – Retro Review

In many ways, Wes Craven’s The People Under the Stairs is his most overtly political film, but in no way does that subtract from it. Sure, you can find social critiques in A Nightmare on Elm Street or even minutely in Scream, but political madness is less hidden in this …

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Stephen King’s ‘Silver Bullet’ (1985) – Still Tearing Us To Pieces 35 Years Later

Stephen King’s Silver Bullet may have been one of the first horror movies I’ve ever seen, and I fell in love with it. As a young child, there was nothing scarier—or cooler—to me than werewolves. Vampires were scary, yes, but you could speak to them and possibly barter with them. …

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