Tag Archives: Arielle Raycene

‘KILL HER GOATS’ (2023) Review – Gore, Girls, and Goats

kill her goats movie

Kill Her Goats is a slow-burn home invasion film that takes place in the fictional town of West Craven, Cape Cod. The same setting as Muck! Steve Wolsh (read our interview here) wrote and directed the film. It stars Arielle Raycene, Ellie Gonsalves (Guess model and Wildlife Warriors ambassador), Monica …

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Kickstarter Campaign Launched to Bring ‘KILL HER GOATS’ to VHS

kill her goats movie

WithAnO Productions, after announcing the release of their film Kill Her Goats, launched a Kickstarter campaign to put the 80s-style slasher film on VHS. The film is directed by Steve Wolsh (Muck), and stars Kane HodderHatchet), Ellie Gonsalves Zebra), and Arielle Raycene (About Pie). KILL HER GOATS VHS Kickstarter Details …

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