Puzzle Box Horror Releases Chad Dahlstrom and Mary Farstrom’s New Comic Series, ‘Anna Byrne #1’

Available to order now from Horror Hub Marketplace courtesy of Puzzle Box Horror is a new comic series called Anna Byrne. The story is by Chad Dahlstrom and Mary Farstrom, and the illustrations are by Felipe Kroll. This will be the first of an ongoing series based on the short horror stores The Anna Byrne Chronicles first published on the Puzzle Box Horror website.


Something is different about Anna. Something has always felt different but she never really knew why. Since almost drowning at the age of 7 Anna developed a macabre obsession with the supernatural. Anna is drawn to haunted locations that she cannot explain, until now. In the first issue of Anna Byrne we follow Anna to the haunted Heceta Head Lighthouse where she meets an unexpected companion, learns about her connection to the underworld and faces one of her worst nightmares.

You can order Anna Byrne #1 here.

About Christine Burnham

When not writing, Christine Burnham is watching TV, Horror films, reading, cooking, and spending time with her menagerie of animals.

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