PopHorror Wants To Show Your Films!

Are you a filmmaker? Do you have your own film already completed and in the can?

If so, PopHorror may be able to help you get it out to the public while earning you some cash at the same time. Consider this your film’s theatrical debut!

PopHorror has been working to build a distribution network with exhibitors to help indie filmmakers. Recently, we’ve even launched a Treatment contest where our sponsors have made 4 offers on film ideas from the PH community.

Today, we are happy to announce a brand new idea that we’ve come up with involving a group of theater owners who are looking for content for their drive-in theaters. Here is the scoop:

Our parent company, Jamil Ventures, is helping coordinate and monitor short run drive-in theater distribution for indie filmmakers. JV will offer nightly reporting and manage booking agreements. They are working on developing agreements as this post is being written.

This is what JV is looking for:
1. Completed films
2. Films must not have been white boxed or released on digital services yet
3. We have a preference for films that have MPAA ratings. Although this won’t rule you out, it might lower interest from theaters
4. Excessively graphic or vulgar films need not apply (your idea of graphic or vulgar may not match what JV’s idea of graphic and vulgar)

We are happy to host a call to help explain the distribution process.

Remember, drive-in theater distribution is considerably different from standard theater distribution. If you aren’t familiar with it, it usually works something like this:
1. Drive-ins are more of a novelty and typically run films in a unique way compared to your standard movie theater.
2. Drive-in theaters only run films at night, mostly in the way of a double feature offering, and usually, studios take less on these kinds of packages.
3. Typically, ticket sales are split between the movie theater and the studio/distributor. A drive-in is similar, but remember, in a double feature offering at the drive-in, the sales may be split between 2 studios/distributors.

If you’re interested in having your film distributed through our drive-in theater partners/sponsors, please send Jamil Ventures an email with your contact info and a trailer to [email protected] Make sure to include enough detail to support the above questions as well. We all look forward to hearing from you!

About Tracy Allen

As the co-owner and Editor-in-Chief of PopHorror.com, Tracy has learned a lot about independent horror films and the people who love them. Now an approved critic for Rotten Tomatoes, she hopes the masses will follow her reviews back to PopHorror and learn more about the creativity and uniqueness of indie horror movies.

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