Search Results for: what the fest

Interview With ‘Dinner In America’s’ Kyle Gallner And Emily Skeggs

Dinner in America is probably my favorite film of 2020 so far. I can’t recommend it enough. I was lucky enough to speak to stars, Kyle Gallner and Emily Skeggs, and we talked about their fondest memories while filming, what they have coming up next, and of course, horror moves. …

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Interview With Award-Winning Filmmaker Jonathan JJ Perez

Making its round on the independent festival circuit is Jonathan JJ Perez’s Beneath: A Cave Horror. Most recently featured during the Houston Horror Film Festival Virtual Weekend earlier this month and now on to the ninth annual Phoenix FearCON (October 16th – December 31st) which will also be held virtually, …

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‘The Rule of Three’ (2020) Short Film Review: An Empowering Story of Survival

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, more commonly known by its acronym OCD, is a torturous mental illness imprisoning an individual in vicious cycles of repetitive thoughts and rituals. Driven by irrational fears—consciously or subconsciously—that something horrible may happen without completion, the afflicted person is compelled to perform tasks a number of times until …

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Interview With ‘Killjoy’ Scream Queen Victoria De Mare

We were recently given the opportunity to chat with the lovely and multi-talented actress, Victoria De Mare, about her work in the Killjoy franchise (see our ranking of the films here), the Batty Boop movie that almost was, and her other work. PopHorror: Were you already familiar with the previous …

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Fantasia 2020: ‘The Dark And The Wicked’ (2020) – Movie Review

As a writer, reviewer and overall lover of film in a time when we aren’t getting to see a lot of new releases, I am appreciative of The Fantasia International Film Festival. This year, they made their whole library digital, and I am forever grateful. The world right now is …

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Fantasia 2020 Short Film Review: ‘You Wouldn’t Understand’

You wouldn't understand

The Fantasia International Film Festival has always been one of my favorite fests, and I’m grateful that they chose to do it digitally this year due to the pandemic. As always, they’ve delivered top quality shorts and features that horror fans will love. I was lucky enough to check out …

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{EXCLUSIVE} Interview With ‘Massacre On Aisle 12’s Chad Ridgely On New Project, ‘Self-Isolated’

In the indie horror world, Chad Ridgely (Massacre On Aisle 12 2016 – read our review here) is a man I admire. Not only does this multi-talented actor/director/producer/writer involve himself in one of my favorite subgenres—horror comedies—he also comes up with his own unique ideas and doesn’t rest until he …

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Waylon Bacon’s ‘Bro!’- A Pandemic Short Film Review


How’s everyone holding up during the COVID-19 pandemic? I am an “essential” employee, so I have been out working with the public throughout this pandemic. To say it’s an stressful is an understatement. While the nation has been opening up more, I am still not going anywhere other than work …

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