My Favorite Horror Movie: Sleepaway Camp (1983)

Did you go to summer camp as a child? I did not. I attended Brownie Camp when I was 7, and the highlight was creating stories about what the spilled red paint on the basement floor really was, and conjuring up myths about ghosts roaming the halls of our little cabin in the woods. As a slightly creepy-prone but mostly innocent child, why was I not taken with the idea of spending a fun-filled summer away with my peers on the lake and enjoying myself? Sleepaway Camp, that’s why!

I know you were all guessing it was because of Jason Voorhees and his psycho momma, and surely, he’s got something to do with the feeling of creepiness I get when I think of summer camp. But loner Angela was terrifying for another reason: I no longer feared the monster in the woods. I was to fear my friends and even relatives as well. I just may be stuck with them on this so-called summer holiday away.

Sleepaway Camp takes what is supposed to be a hazy, lazy, crazy summer time event for the kids and turns it into a bloodbath – all with a unique and original twist at the end. I felt so satisfied when the very serious issue of sexual child abuse was dealt with, and toot sweet. So in many ways, I could almost identify with this killer. The movie took me on a spiraling, exciting trek that resonated with me in so many aspects of my childhood. Sleepaway Camp is timeless and that’s why I continue back to it again and again. Will I send my children to summer camp? I’m sure I will have no reservations about it in the least.

About Lauraplant82

Hi there! I'm a mid-30s, Torontonian, virgo, true-crime obsessed, horror-obsessed, travel-obsessed, ...scrabble-obsessed, stargazing wannabe-novelist. I'd love to meet ya! :D Here is the link to my submission for Pophorrors 'meet the writers' segment:

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