Movie Review: ‘Doors’ (2021) A Unique and Well-Crafted Sci-Fi Mystery

The new sci-fi mystery, Doors, from Epic Pictures, is a pretty unique film. It was directed by Saman Kesh, Jeff Desom, and Dugan O’Neal as well as created by Chris White (read our interview with him – HERE), and written by Saman Kesh, Jeff Desom, Dugan O’Neal, Chris White, and Ed Hobbs. The film stars Josh Peck, Lina Esco, Wilson Bethel, Kyp Malone, Dugan O’Neal, Kathy Khanh, Julianne Collins, Aric Generette Floyd, Rory Anne Dahl, Kristina Lear, Bira Vanara, Bailee Cowperthwaite, Darius Levanté, and David Hemphill.


Synopsis for Doors 

Without explanation or warning, a number of mysterious, alien “doors” suddenly appear in every corner of the globe. While many of those that encounter these sentient visitors feel the strange urge to interact with them – never to be seen again – others stay behind to face the potential threat of what their ultimate agenda towards mankind is. In a rush to determine the reason for the arrival of these cosmic anomalies, the government enlists volunteers to brave the journey to enter the doors so that we might learn more about their origin or purpose. But even these brave volunteers are not prepared for what lies beyond the threshold. The story of the doors is told through multiple perspectives: a ragtag band of high school students discover a door for the first time, volunteers explore the parallel reality beyond the threshold, and a lonesome hermit manages the seemingly impossible: establishing communication with a door.

Sci-fi films are very hit or miss for me. Sometimes I love them and other times they are a real bore. Doors fell somewhere in the middle for me, but I loved its uniqueness and intriguing storyline. It was like opening pandora’s box and the possibilities were endless. The casting was phenomenal and I could tell everyone was excited for this project to happen.


All of the cast was great. I loved seeing Josh Peck in this role. He has so much potential and needs to be put in more films like this as well as horror. Julianne Collins, Rory Anne Dahl, and Aric Floyd were equally phenomenal and had fantastic on-screen chemistry as they worked together to figure out the impossible.

One of my favorite things about the film is how each door delivered a new obscured reality. You never knew what to expect. It was both exciting and terrifying. One of my favorite scenes was in ‘Lockdown’ which blended sci-fi and horror perfectly.

Final Thoughts

Doors will hit Select Theaters on March 19 and On Demand on March 23 as well as DVD/Blu-ray on April 6. If you love Sci-fi mysteries, you’ll want to check this one out!

About Tori Danielle

Tori has had a passion for Horror and music ever since she was a little girl. She got bit by the writing bug in high school where she was involved in both the school newspaper and the yearbook. While getting her Bachelors degree, she took Journalism and Creative Writing classes where her passion grew even stronger. Now, in between work and family, she spends all of her spare time indulging in music, Horror movies, and nerdy fandoms, all while running/assisting one of the biggest Horror groups on Facebook and writing for various websites.

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