Movie Review – ‘Apocalypse Rising’ (2018)

Richard Lowry’s Apocalypse Rising (2018) is a mix of sci-fi, horror, and comedy all wrapped up in 83 minutes of pure entertaining glory. This movie creates its own track of footsteps as a combination of two popular television series: The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones. There’s a subtle whiff of Xena: Warrior Princess as well with the costume and set design. It links the occurrences that took place from the life and times of Jesus to the events blooming now. The movie showcases a unique story of finding oneself and focusing on achieving what is right.

(Left to right) Phoenix, Thora, Mia, Beset, Magnum.

Apocalypse Rising starts out with an epic battle taking place on planet Rathe. The zombies are taking over and defeating Rathians. Mia (Hunter Alexes Parker: Anomaly 2016) and a group of warrior friends board a space shuttle to travel to earth to save humanity from an imminent zombie attack. Mia’s brother, Magnum (Shane Samples: Jessica Frost 2019), is clearly the leader and muscle of the group. Beset (Johanna Rea: Sin 2017) is the partner of Magnum, Phoenix (Justin Lebrun: A Lesson in Cruelty 2018) and Thora (Victoria Steadman: American Carnage 2017) and, along with bad guy Karl (James R. Frey: Candyland 2017), they join the two on their quest to earth.

Jesus (Dennis Marin) appears in Mia’s dream.

They land in Jerusalem near an archaeological dig area and become friends with the lead paleontologist, India (Shiah Luna: Age of the Living Dead TV series). The group tries to warn her and a local medical professional (David Namminga: Killer Holiday 2013) of the forthcoming events and explain their purpose on earth. As in most movies, the information is translated into an inconceivable tale until the dead begin to rise. After a telepathic dream from biblical times, Mia sets out to help save the people of Earth. The group prepares to fight to save them from the same fate of Rathe. As a result, there is immense bloodshed, guts, and gore which would please any horror fanatic.

Final  Thoughts

Screenwriter Gregory P. Wolk (A Lesson in Cruelty 2018) didn’t hold back when executing the Apocalypse Rising screenplay, which is based on Wolk’s own novel entitled The Dead Site. Director Richard Lowry (Alien Overlords 2018) did an awesome job in boldly capturing what was imagined by Wolk. There is enough gore, sex, zombies, and laughs to accommodate for any lack within the film. Although the story is eccentric, it’s exactly what horror movie viewers need nowadays. It ventures off that common path of zombie apocalypse and is fruitful in creativity. Despite being a low budget film, the performances were top notch and much appreciated.

About Anna

Hello readers, I was born and raised in Southern California. Throughout my upbringing I grew fond of the horror movie genre thanks to my mother. With my interest in true crime, I earned a Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice with a minor in forensic investigation. I enjoy art of all kind and appreciate subject matter outside the social norm. I like to engage in conversation involving my passions, so lets talk.

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