The Last Halloween (2016) – Movie Review

Although it’s technically past October 31st, we at PopHorror celebrate Halloween all year ’round. Of course, we have never wanted any one Hallow’s Eve to be The Last Halloween, but all good things must come to an end, am I right? So, as a special treat to our very own Constant Readers, here I give you all a taste of a Halloween yet to come. The Last Halloween is a tight little short that you can enjoy without taking up too much of your time. It all seems innocent enough… But don’t they all start out that way?

Here’s the official synopsis: Four young trick-or-treaters set out on a door-to-door adventure – making their way from house to house, collecting strange treats as they go – that could very well end up being… the Last Halloween!

Here, my friends, is The Last Halloween in its entirety:

The Last Halloween is a 2013 horror short brought to us by Fatal Pictures producer and editor Marc Roussel (Haven TV series), who teamed up with Mark Thibodeau (All Hallows Eve 2 2015), the author of the comic book version of the film, to bring us this spooky yet lighthearted yarn. The short stars Supernatural’s Julian Richings as the diseased Chatterbox, as well as Ron Basch (The Elusive Man 2010) and Emily Alatalo (The Scarehouse 2013) as Jack and Kate, the main couple in the story. We also see glimpses of Angela Besharah (Lost Girl 2010), Drew Davis (Orphan Black TV series), Zoe Fraser (The Curse of Clara: A Holiday Tale 2015), Brendan Heard (Hannibal TV series) and Jake Goodman (The Strange and Eerie Memoirs of Billy Wuthergloom 2012).

This tale about a ghost, a grim reaper, a devil and a witch packs a solid punch in its short ten minute run. The kids are terrifying in their simple sweetness. I love the twist and the idea that, even after everything we know is said and done, there are still a few rules that cannot be broken.

So what will it be, Constant Readers? Do you want a trick? Or a treat?

About Tracy Allen

As the co-owner and Editor-in-Chief of, Tracy has learned a lot about independent horror films and the people who love them. Now an approved critic for Rotten Tomatoes, she hopes the masses will follow her reviews back to PopHorror and learn more about the creativity and uniqueness of indie horror movies.

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