Photo by Sammy B.

Interview With Rachel Stavis, Real-Life Exorcist and Author Of ‘Sister Of Darkness’

If you’re anything like me, you love to ponder the possibility that there’s something out there beyond humanity. Do the religious figures that we’re taught to pray to actually exist? Do dark forces walk the earth unseen, but ever present? According to Rachel Stavis, the only known female and non-denominational exorcist, the answer to all of these questions is a resounding YES.

From childhood, Stavis has been able to see the dark entities that plague many individuals, usually unbeknownst to them. Some, which Stavis calls “Clives,” amplify a person’s already-present negative energy and cause them to turn to drink or enter a deep depression. “Wraiths” tend to attach to those who were abused in childhood, and make it extremely difficult for them to release that trauma. Others, like “Realm Walkers,” are even more sinister and latch onto a political figure or A-list celebrity to cause mass destruction. Seeing such beings understandably freaked her out as a kid, but Stavis learned to embrace her gift over the years and, eventually, help rid people of their entities.

Stavis performs exorcisms on everyone from her friends to rock icons and Oscar winners, cleansing the darkness that consumes even the most elite. She chronicles her journey into this niche career in the book Sister of Darkness, which is currently in development for a scripted series adaptation at FX, with renowned director, actress, and producer Pamela Adlon (Better Things 2016) signed on to executive produce. Stavis will direct.

The book (and show) sheds light on the invisible forces that plague humanity; describes in detail numerous exorcisms performed by Stavis (including her preparation to tackle the infamous Cecil Hotel in downtown Los Angeles); explains how to raise our “frequency” to deflect entities and be more in touch with our Spirit Guides (because yes, we all have an angelic friend looking out for us); and stresses the fact that, unlike in the movies, possessions usually don’t involve head spinning and projectile vomiting.

Check out our interview with Stavis below!

Sister of Darkness

PopHorror: Can you talk about your decision to write Sister of Darkness after so many years of performing exorcisms? What made this the opportune time?

Rachel Stavis: Honestly, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to write a book at all! It can be a strange thing to go public with. But I realized that in writing it, I would be able to help more people than I could see in person. That was the motivation for me.

PopHorror: Can you discuss your writing process? You mention that you often communicate with Spirit through pen and paper. Did this happen at all during the creation of the book?

Rachel Stavis: I talked to Spirit the whole time I was working on the book, because I wanted to make sure that I shared the information They wanted to convey. I’m also so glad I worked with a co-writer (Sarah Durand), because it’s difficult to know what to explain and how much to explain when you’ve done this for so long.

PopHorror: You explain how exorcisms are physically and mentally draining for both the client and yourself. How do you keep yourself going, especially when you’re doing multiple per day/week? Are there any fun/chill hobbies you enjoy in your off time to relax?

Rachel Stavis: Ah, if only I knew HOW to relax! Honestly, I have to take several days off and head into nature. Mineral hot springs work best for me. I love cooking and baking – so I guess those are chill hobbies?

PopHorror: As the only female, non-denominational exorcist, have you gotten any feedback (positive or negative) from the Catholic Church? Why is the church so quick to dismiss people who think they’re possessed? Are priests aware of Wraiths and these other entities?

Rachel Stavis: I can’t speak on why the church does what it does, I can only say that I have worked with priests before, and it’s been a good experience.

PopHorror: I wondered if you’d mention the Cecil Hotel in the book, and you didn’t disappoint. Can you elaborate on the possibility that it’s built on a vortex? What if, say, a grocery store or mall was built on that land…would the same issues be happening? Did an entity influence the creation of the hotel? If you eventually exorcise the building, could it positively impact the nearby homeless community/Skid Row?

Rachel Stavis: The beautiful thing about exorcising the darkest places on earth is that yes, it’s a ripple effect. Just as negative energy can branch out and cause problems, so can positive energy change that course. And yes, it would affect any space built on that land – but it seeks places of mass trauma and high foot traffic. So did it influence what was built? Most likely.

PopHorror: So many people have stated that, since the pandemic in 2020, the world just seems different…and not in a good way. Friends, family, and colleagues have complained that people are generally less friendly. I’ve seen it myself — as a frequent metalcore concert-goer, there’s no longer a feeling of community and safety in the pit, with constant fights breaking out. Is there a connection between the pandemic and entities?

Rachel Stavis: There definitely is more negative energy on the planet right now, yes. And that does influence people, even if they don’t know it. I always say: you may not see entities with your eyes like I do, but you see the effects of entities every day.

PopHorror: Do entities and Spirit Guides exist in the same realm? If we’re aware of an attachment and can raise our frequency, can we call on them to help us get rid of it?

Rachel Stavis: They both exist in our realm, so yes, they can help. I teach a quick technique for this on my Instagram. My 30-Day Connection to Spirit can raise your vibration and help release attachment. It can also help you communicate with your guides.

Rachel Stavis
Image Courtesy of

PopHorror: Do you think your life — and career — would’ve turned out differently if, say, you had parental figures who believed in what you were seeing as a child? Do you think you would’ve embraced it sooner?

Rachel Stavis: Probably. It’s so hard to say. But I do hope that parents are doing a better job of helping kids with weird/different/unique abilities embrace those aspects of themselves. It makes a difference.

PopHorror: How did the scripted series adaptation at FX come to be? Is there anything you can share at this point?

Rachel Stavis: I’ve been working alongside Pamela Adlon on the development of the series for three years now. We met and it just made sense. I can say that we’ve been working hard to get it all just right, which it really has to be. I have an amazing team around me, with Pamela and Belletrist, so I believe it’ll be something cool and unique. Can’t wait for you to see!

PopHorror: Any thoughts on the new Exorcist film, and just the Hollywood-ization of possessions in general? Does society’s vision of what exorcisms look like have an impact on your work?

Rachel Stavis: I haven’t seen it, so I can’t say. I think Hollywood really likes to tell one kind of exorcism story. Very religious, very Catholic. And though those exorcisms exist, so do many many others. In fact, we are working right now to bring some of my scariest and most challenging exorcisms to the big screen right now – totally different than anything you’ve seen before, but also very much real.

PopHorror: Since we’re…what’s your favorite scary movie?

Rachel Stavis: The Changeling is my favorite scary movie! I watch it every year! I also watch Over the Garden Wall every year because it’s not Halloween without a little Auntie Whispers.

PopHorror: Anything additional that you want our readers to know?

Rachel Stavis: There’s a lot of negative in the world right now, but every person out there has the ability to change that. Do something kind for someone – a small thing. Pet a dog. Buy someone a coffee if you can. Say something nice to a stranger. Check in on people. Small gestures add up, and when they do, they can change the world.

Thank you, Rachel! Sister of Darkness is available wherever books are sold.

About Samantha Bambino

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