Interview With Filmmaker Mickey Keating For ‘Offseason’

The first Mickey Keating film I watched was Darling, not long after it was released. It was such a beautiful film that I was instantly hooked. Mickey’s latest film, Offseason, is just as mesmerizing. Visually striking, the deserted, dark beach setting is unsettling and pretty creepy. I was lucky enough to chat with Mickey, and we discussed his inspiration for the film, why he loves horror, and his advice for aspiring filmmakers.

PopHorror: I loved Offseason. Just like all of your other films, it’s so visually striking and I’m such a huge fan so it’s really a pleasure to speak with you today.

Mickey Keating: Thank you so much! That’s really great to hear. I really appreciate that.

PopHorror: So what inspired Offseason?

Mickey Keating: I grew up in Florida, and I had visited lonely beaches growing up during the offseason because what else is there to do besides go to creepy beaches? That kind of feeling of uneasiness inherently stayed with me. I always thought that would be a great idea for a movie. I love Southern Gothic literature, I love Southern Gothic movies so this was definitely my effort to do my version of that combined with the uncanniness of the Twilight Zone and Lovecraft and things like that. Those were kind of the jumping off points for Offseason.

PopHorror: I have to say that I did not grow up around the ocean. I grew up in landlocked Ohio, but one thing that does scare me in movies is the dark ocean and the unknown. I fear the unknown and that really is super creepy.

Mickey Keating: Oh, for sure, for sure.

PopHorror: So I really appreciated that.

Mickey Keating: That’s great to hear! It’s just an inherently strange thing, the ocean.

PopHorror: What was your favorite scene to direct?

Mickey Keating: Oh boy. You know, it’s so funny. I always equate directing to blacking out, in a way. You kind of just put your nose to the ground and you deal and negotiate with time and everything. It was really a blast to direct Richard Blake and Jocelin [Donahue] because the weather conditions were brutal, and they were just so brilliant. And then it was always really fun to shoot the beach during magic hour with Joe [Swanberg] and Jocelin just because it’s so beautiful and that was really a moment where I was like, “Okay. We’re really capturing something that’s all real.” It’s not CGI. That’s really the beach during magic hour so that was very special to me.

PopHorror: That’s really awesome. You’re no stranger to the horror genre. What is it that draws you back to horror?

Mickey Keating: I love horror movies. I think they’re very cathartic in a lot of ways, and I just… I don’t know. Maybe there’s just darkness in my heart. But I’m always thrilled by them. It’s the way to experience something dangerous in a safe setting like riding a rollercoaster. I get a big kick out of that.

PopHorror: I love that. What would be your weapon of choice in a zombie apocalypse?

Mickey Keating: Short of just curling up in a ball, I would probably go with something that wouldn’t fail me like a machete. You get a chainsaw, it runs out of gas. I’ve never shot a gun and I’m probably not a very good shot. So I would go with some long blade.

PopHorror: I thought I would, too. What is one piece of advice you wish someone had given to you when you first started?

Mickey Keating: Ninety percent of the things that make you neurotic making movies never come to fruition. When someone tells you that they have all the money, always be suspicious. This is one that I’ve always followed. I’ve never had to but I think it’s good advice for any filmmaker is to always get final cut because there are lots of producers who will try to screw you. So that’s my advice.

PopHorror: Very good advice! What do you have coming up next?

Mickey Keating: I’ve got quite a few things that I like to be a little mysterious about, but some very exciting things on the horizon. But you know, this was almost three and a half years between my last movie, so I’m definitely not going to take that long again releasing more films. Yeah, I’ve got a lot of stuff. I’m very excited. I always get a bit nervous when the movies come out and I’m always bracing myself, so Offseason is what I’m most focused on at the moment.

PopHorror: Your films are always so beautifully made with such beautiful scenery. One of the things I remember about Darling is the amazing score, and just now watching Offseason again, I’m struck by the fantastic music. So whatever you have coming up, I am here for. I’m excited to see what’s up next.

Mickey Keating: Thank you. I really appreciate that. I’m very, very excited. Shayfer [James] is my composer that I’ve worked with on Offseason, and I think he’s just absolutely brilliant. I’ll let him know that you said that.

PopHorror: Yes, please. One last question for you today. What is your favorite scary movie?

Mickey Keating: Oh, God. I’m going to say Rosemary’s Baby. I think it’s just absolutely perfect. I’ve watched it 10,000 times. I love everything about it. I think if I was going to make a list, it would be that, and The Blair Witch Project would be number two. That was one of the first movies that I ever watched, and I watched it when it came out on DVD when I was little. It was during the day and it terrified me and upset me so much. I think that’s the sign of a good horror film.

Thank you so much, Mickey, for taking the time to speak with us. You can catch Offseason in theaters and VOD/Digital, now!

About Tiffany Blem

Horror lover, dog mommy, book worm, EIC of PopHorror.

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