Interview with Actor Greg Fallon, Star of ‘Close Calls’

There’s something truly special about independent horror and the people behind it. I had the lucky honor of chatting with the talented and ever so handsome Greg Fallon. He is one of the stars of S & Drive Cinema’s latest film Close Calls (read our review – here), which will be screening at the New York City Film Festival on 10/26. We talked about his love for acting, how he got the role of Barry in Close Calls, what its like to play a bad guy, and more!

PopHorror – Thanks for talking with PopHorror, Greg! What inspired you to become an actor?

Greg Fallon – I actually never wanted to be an actor growing up. A wonderful stage director named Kathy Lyon cast me as Luther Billis in South Pacific several years ago, mostly out of desperation for male actors, I think. It came very easily to me, so I decided to keep at it. A lot of things I’ve done have required a lot of effort on my part, but I could always just do acting.

PopHorror –  You’re a natural. What was your first film ever?

Greg Fallon – My first film ever was a historical period piece called Captain. It was a wonderful experience, because of the filmmaker, Rob Reep, was so sincerely enthusiastic about the subject matter. Also, the costumes were to die for!

“Playing terrible villains is incredibly liberating for an actor because it’s very easy to let go of the need to be liked by the audience. Every actor, whether they admit it or not, is plagued by their own ego, their own need to be accepted and liked. Good acting can only happen when you let go of all of that nonsense. It’s easier to do that when you’re supposed to be hated.”

PopHorror – I’m glad it was a great experience. How did you casting process come about for your new film, Close Calls?

Greg Fallon – I was filming The Perfect Host: A Southern Gothic Tale when I saw the casting call on social media for Close Calls. I was playing the role of a priest in that film when I first learned about the character of Barry Cone… who’s about as far removed from a priest as anyone could ever possibly be. Richard Stringham (read our interview with him here) was nice enough to schedule an audition around my shooting schedule, and he and I hit it off immediately. When I told him that I thought Barry should be played as charismatic instead of as a one-dimensional bad guy, he sort of lit up. I read some lines for him, and he and I agreed on just about every single nuance of the character. Richard is one lovable, sick puppy for dreaming up that guy.

PopHorror – (Laughs) Indeed he is! Where was this film shot?

Greg Fallon – This film was shot entirely in Little Rock, Arkansas. I was so excited to shoot a feature and not have to travel to Dallas, Atlanta, or New Orleans for a change. We had quite a bit of trouble from the homeowners’ association in the neighborhood we filmed in for the first two weeks, but we managed to finally get the film made.

PopHorror – That’s good to hear. As previously mentioned, you play the character of Barry, who is a kind of a bad dude. Did you enjoy playing this character?

Greg Fallon – I loved playing Barry Cone. He’s not just kind of a bad dude… he’s horrible. Playing terrible villains is incredibly liberating for an actor because it’s very easy to let go of the need to be liked by the audience. Every actor, whether they admit it or not, is plagued by their own ego, their own need to be accepted and liked. Good acting can only happen when you let go of all of that nonsense. It’s easier to do that when you’re supposed to be hated. After the premiere, I noticed several women and children giving me sideways, distrustful glances in the lobby of the theater. I knew I’d done something right.

PopHorror – You did play the part perfectly! What was your favorite scene in the film?

Greg Fallon – My favorite part of the film is when Barry first meets Morgan. In Barry’s twisted mind, this was the beginning of their “date.” I decided to play it more like an awkward first meeting in a romantic comedy than a classic predator meets his prey in a horror movie. Jordan Phipps (read our interview with her – here), who played Morgan, picked it up immediately, and I think we created a very effective scene.

PopHorror – I completely agree. We’ve already touched on this a bit, but what was it like to work with Richard Stringham?

Greg Fallon – I was inspired by Richard. He had worked for years in his father’s heating and cooling business, but he always wanted to be a filmmaker. He jumped into it without really knowing what he was doing and his determination and passion were amazing. He just sort of forced it into existence. His mantra throughout filming, throughout countless setbacks and a ballooning budget, was, “Fuck you, we’re making a movie.” And he sure as hell did. I’m very proud of him, and I’m very proud to have been part of his movie.

PopHorror – Aww, that makes me tear up! He’s such a great guy and so are you! Any memorable on the set moments?

Greg Fallon – The scene with Morgan in the study was terrible. We had those old incandescent lights, and the room was exactly 115 degrees. Between the heat and the fog machine and the size of the room, it was extremely claustrophobic. I was dripping with sweat. Jordan, who had worked herself up into hysterics for the scene, was covered in tears, snot, and fake blood. We were able to get the kiss in one take, and we were really glad we did because it was just too much.

Having said all that, it was some of the best acting either of us had ever done. We were both completely committed to the role. It took a lot of courage for her to go to the places inside that she had to go to for that scene. I could only prepare for that scene for about thirty minutes at a time. It was just too disturbing to stay in that mindset. I would try to practice that scene with my wife, and she couldn’t handle it either.

PopHorror – Your performances are definitely what makes Close Calls special. Beyond this, do you enjoy horror? If so, what’s your favorite horror film?

Greg Fallon – Duke Ellington once said, “There’s only two kinds of music, good and bad.” I think the same can be said for movies. There are great and terrible films in every genre. I very much enjoy horror films, though. If I had to pick a favorite, it would probably be An American Werewolf in London. John Landis’ use of dark comedy and practical effects was genius.

As far as the films that scared me the most, that would be the original, silent Phantom of the Opera… Don’t believe me? Watch it alone at night. Plus the original Halloween II, which I watched at a 7th-grade movie party back in 1987… to this day, it scares the bejeezus out of me.

PopHorror – Great choices! Do you have any upcoming projects?

Greg Fallon – I just finished filming guest starring roles in two cable series, as well as a small role in God’s Not Dead 3, which also filmed in Arkansas. I’ve got two commercials coming up next week because I’m a shameless sellout. At the end of next week, I’ll be promoting Close Calls at the New York City Horror Film Festival. I’ve also been cast in three upcoming films that are all in pre-production. I’ve had a lot of blind luck, but I’ll take it. I’m very grateful for the chances I’ve been given.

About Tori Danielle

Tori has had a passion for Horror and music ever since she was a little girl. She got bit by the writing bug in high school where she was involved in both the school newspaper and the yearbook. While getting her Bachelors degree, she took Journalism and Creative Writing classes where her passion grew even stronger. Now, in between work and family, she spends all of her spare time indulging in music, Horror movies, and nerdy fandoms, all while running/assisting one of the biggest Horror groups on Facebook and writing for various websites.

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